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The english dub as far as i have noticed doesnt change animation. im pretty sure you are watching a version that was streamed to japan and given a sorta cultural flare to it.


Shinigami can kill anyone. Death Note users as well. It was never said that DN users are invincible, and we also had the little hint when Ryuk joked that he would write Light's name into his death note.


Just what first came to my mind: Misa gives up ownership of her Deathnote & forgets everything related to that, also can't see Shinigami anymore...and Light is saying goodbye to Ryuk...could he for some reason plan to give up ownership of his Deathnote as well, maybe so he can more naturally pretend not to be Kira? No other idea what he could mean, because even if he took Rems Death Note or something, Ryuk could still stick around to watch, not much Rem or Light could do about it... If it stops you from hurting yourself or worse, I'm glad you're so afraid of pain!! It's only natural, it just makes me sad to think that you need something to stop you from doing that... But if your OCD is that bad, I respect you even more for pushing through it & keep doing the videos and all. Hope there were no more problems because of the graduation-stuff!

Raul Iggynashow

With your mom you have to realize 2 wrongs don't make a right. If your mom says something hurtful to you, getting angry and saying something hurtful back to her won't help the situation. It will just hurt your relationship. One, if it was your fault own the mistake and apologize. Two, call out your mom but be specific. Like telling her you don't have to be so harsh or please don't talk to me like that. With your family your filter seems to be turned off and that is getting you in trouble. Try turning your filter back on and treating your family members like you would treat your Patreon members. Patreons are important so you treat them well but family is one of the most important things so also treat them well.

Tyrone Tyrone

You can only filter out so much or compartmentalize things in your life before you break or become a sociopath. She's 22 and everybody including her is seeing the end of the little girl they knew and thought would stay the same for a little longer. When my brother graduated from college and moved away (they never fought) the family when asked about him would say he ran away from home😄. She needs to take a break. We'll be here when she comes back. She'll get a chance to have at least one thing off her mind and she'll be in a better mental space to do reacts like Code Geass #21(The combination of emotion and analysis was OUTSTAND). Just my 0.02