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"Do you guys think they do a good job of wrapping all this up?" ABSOLUTELY. Code Geass is one of my favorite series, especially because of how they resolved it. There were aspects and details of the ending that got debated, but IIRC, no one really complained about the resolution itself, just specific parts of it. It stands on its own, despite some spinoff series and (technically) a sequel movie. I say "technically" because the movie is not a sequel to the series; it came out over ten years after the series, and it's a sequel to the cinematic retelling of the series released a couple years ago. Basically, they remade the series into a triology of movies, and those movies changed some things about the series(really, it had to; you can't keep everything in a 50-episode series when you cut it down to three movies.) The fourth "sequel" movie is a sequel to THAT continuity, and there are some things in the movie that won't make sense if you've only seen the series, and don't know the changed context of the movies. Plus, the plot of the sequel movie is entirely standalone, and does not pick up on any remaining plot threads of the series. The series wrapped itself up well. I'd still recommend seeing the movie(they managed to get almost all of the English dub cast back when making the English version of the movie, and it was nice to hear those characters again after 10+ years), but it's not necessary to the story of Code Geass to see it. (The trilogy movies were not dubbed; just the sequel movie.)


"Didn't she know Lelouch is [a prince]?" No. She knows that Lelouch Lamperouge is Zero; she did NOT know WHY Lelouch was Zero, and did not know that he was Lelouch vi Britannia.


"Do you think you're a monster?" Actually, yes, he does. It's not just showboating when he refers to himself as a demon, now. That's one of the primary differences between Light Yagami and Lelouch vi Britannia; Light believes himself to be a God, and is always right by divine fiat. Lelouch belives the Geass power to be evil, and considers himself evil for using it, even if he's trying to use it for just means(protecting his sister and taking down a corrupt Empire.) And as for why he's being so vicious towards the Order, keep in mind that 1) he JUST watched Shirley die in his arms, and 2) he (rather rightfully) believes the Geass Order to be ultimately responsible for her death, since she would not have been there if it weren't for Geass(and Rolo wouldn't have been either, for that matter.) This is Lelouch's grief-stricken rampage against those who he deems responsible for the loss of Shirley. Keep in mind that, in this episode, C.C. mentions that Lelouch's original plans were to infiltrate and control the Order, as having that kind of power on his side could be very useful(not to mention the research). When he flat out declares that he's going to wipe them out, C.C. immediately asks, concerned, "What happened?" She knows something went wrong, that hurt him deeply.


Big time, the ending will conclude the journey of code geass perfectly, it wouldn't be much of a "greatest ending" if they half-assed it. The sequel movie is necessary since it has been announced that they will have projects for Code Geass in the next 10 years. I believe it does well continuing the ending after season 2. But we'll leave this conversation for later


The "sanctity of life" thing is a cover for the Black Kngihts. Lelouch lied to his officers to make them cooperate. The truth is he is on full revenge mode here. Like I said on the previous reaction: He is too emotional.


Its never really explained but code : geass is 2 differnt things. Code : to empower someone to have a geass and immunity to all geass as well as immortality.. geass : which funtions differntly to the person's personlity to affect someone else's mind. also you seem to have a misunderstanding on what the refrain scene was about. refrain makes you talk about the past and relive the good times. to verify if she knows lelouche is Zero since Zeros return.


The reason why Lelouch still doesn't trust C.C. completely is that her needing him to survive for her own agenda is a one-sided convenience. And she *still* doesn't want to tell him the terms of their contract. More than one year after making it.


What C.C. meant by having less power in the order just means that she had the same title "director" of the Geass order. But she did not really decide what they do and what their agenda is. It has nothing to do with physical abilities like handing out Geass etc.


Yeah I can understand that. But he also doesn’t trust any of his own men I understand why he feels that way, but I do still believe that is only going to harm his relationship with the black knights.


I saw Rolo acting nice to the kids, not as him being a psychopath, but because he knew he had to take them out and made sure that they didn't suspect him since they all had geass, just one of them could control how other people moved let alone what the others were capable of.


As for C.C. I took it as she was merely a figurehead leader when she was in charge where as V.V. was actively leading the Geass Order.

Javier Lasso

Every morning when I wake up, I think "I hope this girl has uploaded the video reacting to AOT season 4" where is my attack on titan trailer, miss? :(

Raul Iggynashow

Does the ending leave unresolved questions? I use to tease Code Geass YouTube reactors that part of what makes it the best ending in anime is that they reveal C2's full name in the finale. But that's not true. They never tell us C2's full name. Part of what makes the ending great is that it's subject to interpretation. For example who shot JFK? Was it Lee Harvey Oswald or was there a hidden shooter on the grassy knoll? The ending will divide fans into 2 camps. Those who take it at face value and those who see a hidden ending.