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there goes the best girl in the show :(


Well, mankind has been fighting and killing one another ever since the first caveman threw a stone, the cycle of violence has been ingrained in human nature so as much as Britannia had been problematic, they did not start this problem. Human nature is what's making mankind fight each other.


Been saying it since the start of season 2..I cannot get myself to like Rolo one bit


"New intro! Do you guys like this one?" Oh, definitely. I think World's End by FLOW is my favorite of the Code Geass OPs, but you can always rely on FLOW to do pretty good work. It's no coincidence to me that my two favorite Code Geass intros are both by FLOW(this one and "Colors", the very first Code Geass OP. Jibun wo~!)


thank god you finished the statement with Colors, I was about to flip out sir


Remember what C.C said when Lelouch accepted the terms of his contract of geass. He will use this cursed power of a king and live a life in solitude :(


I don’t remember the part about solitude. It sounds right though. Agh I really don’t want that for him. I hope all of this ends some day.


"So they can pick the Geass you're given?" No. And Jeremiah has not been granted a Geass. The Geass Canceler is a result of the Order's experiments on C.C. and other contractors, but it was not granted by an immortal like V.V. or C.C.


Also, while it didn't actually work, I do have to give props to Cornelia for knowing the right way to deal with the Geass Order: knife to the face. That was hilarious.


"What? Was that actually what she was going to say?" No. She initially was going to tell Suzaku the truth about Zero. She changed her mind after seeing them interact, and instead jumped to cover for Lelouch.


Talking about forgiveness: "I'm not sure [Suzaku] knows about that" I'm assuming you're talking about Zero killing Shirley's father, and he does know. He was a part of the battle at Narita, and he was at the funeral for her father.


Aaaaand finally, the universe once again kicks Lelouch in the balls, this time with some spiked steel-toed boots. "Shirley regained her memories, and remembers that you're Zero, and that you killed her father. However, she also is able to recognize the web of lies that the Emperor is spinning around everyone, and sees that you are trying to stand against it. She actually reconciles with her memories and your past actions, forgives you, and wants to fight at your side. She's perfectly willing to do so, and will do so, until she says the wrong thing to jealous fuckboi and gets ganked. Then you get to watch her die in your arms, watch as she dies with a _smile_, happy that she's finally able to be honest with you."


Also, Shirley's comments about being reborn was merely a reference to how, even after Lelouch completely wiped her memories of him and their relationship, she still fell in love with him again. Her memories wiped clean, she was essentially "reborn", and THAT Shirley fell in love with Lelouch. And then, after both Geasses were broken on her, her world was shattered again, she was "reborn" again, with all of her memories intact... and finally knowing the truth, she still loves Lelouch. "No matter how many times I am reborn, I'll keep falling in love with you." And her theme song that was highlighted in Episode 14 last season, when Lelouch first erased her memories, kind of underlines that, as well. The first line of the main chorus? "You're my destiny~!"


Also, mad props to Johnny Yong Bosch for that performance at the end. No matter how many times I hear it, that final scream from Lelouch is just soul-tearing. Oh, and one important thing that got highlighted by the final scene: Lelouch WAS able to Geass Shirley again. It obviously didn't have much of an effect, since he can't heal someone's body with Absolute Submission, but it DOES take effect. We see it in her eyes. Meaning if Jeremiah uses his Canceler on someone he's Geassed previously, Lelouch is able to Geass them again.

Barre Bonds

Yeahhhh. The "Fuck Rolo" train starts right now...😭 😭 RIP SHIRLEY


I dunno, dont get me wrong, just wondering... Are you ok with pausing for mins rather than watch and enjoy?


I remember you saying if Lelouch ever accepts Rolo. That's a big no after this. :D Also #LelouchCares. Remember at the finale of the S1 Lelouch told himself if his conscience get in his way he should discard it? He keeps telling himself that but he is unable to do that. Despite his cold hearted facade he is still emotional. That is one of the reasons I like Leouch's character.


Also the rooftop scene with Lelouch, Suzaku and Shirley speaks volumes. Lelouch cares about Shirley enough to jump after her without hesitation. He also trusts Suzaku to catch them both. Suzaku also catches Lelouch without hesitation. Another second and he would have missed them but he didn't hesitate despite knowing Lelouch killed Euphemia. Lelouch's sincerity when he said he didn't want to lose anyone in his life being strong enough to restore Shirley's stability. I could go on but that's enough I suppose.


I prefer her pausing more offen rather than not, to get her direct thoughts on the matter without her missing any new scenes


You didn't miss/overlook anything in regards to the god thing. You aren't supposed to fully understand yet.


Also did you rewatch season 1 on your own? Because I am surprised you remember stuff from really old episodes :)

Valuable Oranges for Sale!

This whole time with you saying Rolo was just misunderstood, I was just waiting fir this episode. Regardless of if people have taken advantage of him or twisted his mind, at the end of the day this is who he is, this is who he has been for his entire life. Shirley put the "mission" in danger, so he killed her.

Valuable Oranges for Sale!

This is I think the saddest death in the series (of course, speaking personally). The Euphy death and leading up to it was moreso surprising (though it was incredibly sad), this was purely sad — Shirley had never once done anything wrong, and Shirley's dying speech was heart-wrenching, just talking about how much she loves him, no matter what happens. Shirley is best girl — of anyone of the big 3 interests, I think Lelouch liked her the most at this point (but I guess it depends how you see it).


Well, not to defend Rolo, what he did WAS f'ed up, but...can't say I'm surprised. Got picked up as a kid, infused with supernatural powers & taught to use it to kill people while they're helpless and paralyzed, and that prett much for his whole life until now and will hold onto his first connection (Lelouche as a brother) by all means necessary and...well...his standard mode of operation is simply Geass-> kill. The guy is broken, simple as that; to have sincere relations with people & interact normally, he would at least need years of therapy, if at all possible.

Valuable Oranges for Sale!

Take notice of what results from this- — what party(ies) does Lelouch blame and why, and how does this affect him and his decisions from here on out.


I can't wait for you to watch the last episode. It's getting close to the end and everything is coming to a head, all the characters are casting their dice and they have to live and die with the choices they've made.


I agree he has been a tool his whole life and has never known love or family. When A kid like rolo is offered love and family for the first time and a promise of something better he grabbed it with both hands and would do anything not to lose it. Problem was he is twisted from the order. It's sad that from the start Lulouch like everyone else just sees him as a chess piece to be utilised. Everyone deep down just wants to find love and exceptance. But yea, dick move Rolo.