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Yeah, Light can be very prideful, but so far he's managed to rein it in when it counted. There are times when it causes him to take actions he really shouldn't though, like killing Lind L. Tailor or revealing himself as Kira to Naomi. (He had absolutely no reason to do that, other than pride and malicious glee in watching her suffer. If she had somehow managed to give him another alias, he would've been dead.)


That’s true! She totally would have taken him down if she gave another alias. It’s kind of sickening to think he only told her to hurt her even more. He’s a sadistic one. That’s why I’m surprised that he hasn’t let his pride get him into trouble so far yet with this new development.


"With great power comes great responsibility." Granted, it of course also has to do with temptation - but maybe also with a feeling of obligation? I mean, if you had that kind of power (with or without knowing if there's a specific reason why you got it), many people may feel obligated to use the power they got for "the good of all", whatever that may mean for the person in question. I mean, if you didn't use it, wouldn't it be like wasting an opportunity? Thinking about what you could have done if you just had decided to act? Remorse? - like: "If I had just put that psycho down when I had the chance, this or that person would still be alive."?


Yeah I get that there would be regrets to not using it because like you said, if he uses it to kill “bad” people, (I put quotation marks because what you or I or others think qualifies as bad will probably differ somewhat) he could be saving the lives of those they would have killed. I’m just playing devil’s advocate because he did use the power and it went to his head and now I personally feel like he’s crossing the line. Again, what I believe the line is will differ from yours and I know that, which to me makes it so much more interesting. Yet I feel that killing cops because they are trying to stop a killer who is trying to stop other killers (wow so complicated lol) is a bit hypocritical. He is killing people for doing the exact same thing he is doing. I guess what I’m trying to say is, that that power can corrupt a persons mind and twist it or distort it so that their judgment can get so clouded or so convoluted that they aren’t even the same person anymore. It may corrupt so much that they find it hard to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Again, I know it’s different from person to person, but this is just where I stand personally on the subject.