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Something crazy happened to me and I am really not in the right headspace right now to record. I feel numb to be honest. I’m just shocked. Like I can’t believe this is happening to me.

I don’t want to record today because it would just end up being extremely forced. I will definitely try to record tomorrow. I feel really bad and I know this will be the second day in a row that I’m not recording. It’s not fair to you guys. I just can’t do it today though. I’m really sorry.



Don't worry, take care of yourself first. That's always the priority. We'll be here when you're ready.


Ay dont worry about it... real life shit is more important than this patreon stuff... and remember that things will get better.. if youre down theres only one way to go and thats up... 🙏🙏


You decide when you want to record. Don’t feel forced to record if you don’t want to right now, that’s your decision. Just take good care of yourself and wait until you’re better. We’ll be watching it when you upload it.


I don't understand why you are being sorry. I think it is us who should be thankful that you even let us know about the status with this post! So thank you and as the others said: You don't have to force yourself to record for our sake


Don't sweat it, we can get by with waiting another day or 2. If you have too much on your mind to record now - just don't, no harm done. Our main worry is that you get better soon, hope you get things sorted out!

Kevin Baker

We only feel bad that something has upset you. Please take all the time you need!


Don't worry we will survive and remember you have an awesome community that is always going support you in good and bad days. You are an awesome person.


Take care and no worries. We'll wait, no prob with this


Prioritize yourself we understand and will still be here when u get back don’t even worry about it we as your fans actually care about u enough to want u to focus on yourself take care and I hope everything gets better❤️


Watching animes ment to be a good time, If you dont feel like your gonna be able to have a good time then theirs nothing to feel bad about. Non of my friends share the same interest as me when it comes to anime--I'm pretty sure thats why most of us are here--its nice to watch something with someone who shares the same interest. That said, its important everyones in a good place for a good time.


we understand you are not in a good moment take your time and when you fell better you can comeback we are not gonna go anywhere


All is good! Take some time to unwind and reset. No harm done :)


Don't worry so much. It's no big deal if you want to skip some days, i think nobody here will judge you for that. Also we are Patreons to support you to create content, not to force and shackle you in doing it :)


No worries. All good