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I still remember how shocked I was to see Lelouch pull that off. I’m surprised he has this much faith on Suzaku to give in and save a million lives given the change he has gone through. I’m glad he stood by his principles and his loyalty to Euphy at the end :)


I truly think Schneizel would make a great emperor just from this episode. He knows not to back his enemies to a corner where they must fight back and leave them half of what they had so they will have to reconsider whether they should retaliate against Britannia, and possibly lose everything or settle with what they have left. Brilliant move.


Ya without a doubt schneizel is very cunning and is very good at strategy those traits would make Easyer for him to gain power and once in power we would probably do a good job at maintaining control and expanding the empire and making it stronger. But those are not nesserly good traits when it comes to being a good emperor for the peaple.


Also, something I want to say here because I didn’t say it in my video. How does Lelouch not feel bad for or sympathize with Rolo? I mean he didn’t really do anything terrible (to him). I mean Rolo and Lelouch are almost the same. The were both used by the Emperor. He just wants someone to love him. Does Lelouch understand that? Maybe he does but just doesn’t care.


"She knows who he is now." ...god dammit. I've seen this show countless times, and love it to death, and I somehow never put it together that THIS is where Sayoko learns his identity. I knew she was aware of it later on, but it never clicked that he deliberately revealed it to her here.


The document handed to Suzaku to sign was for the execution of the Honorary Britannian who tried to stab him. They needed the signature from a Knight of Round. Anya signed it, so that means that former Eleven is dead. Xingke killed the Eunuch because he was corrupt. He used the "fighting" against the Black Knights as the cause of death. He did not dislike Zero.


Lelouch doesn’t care. He sure did change from his complete lack of empathy in season 1, but it now only extends to his trusted comrades and friends. As for anyone else, they are still at a level of a worm to him.


On why Miss Lohmeyer (Nunally's advisor) didn't want to let the Japanese go: "We cannot let a million laborers leave the country!" is what she said. So it's all about the economy. I like it how they keep bringing this up. Cornelia also asked how much it would affect the economy if she destroyed the ghetto they targeted, before eradicating it.


Britannians didn't want them a million Elevens to leave because then they would lose their cheap labour force. If the fill those positions with Britannians that would mean less Britannians living in luxury. Just imagine how would southern states in America would react before the Civil War if someone moved a million slaves to the northern states. And for Cecile's outfit: I don't remember where but I read that she was supposed to go to a date but Zero called suddenly and she stuck with that dress. And again, it is always refreshing to see Zero and Suzaku get along.


Jesus christ I actually like Nina more than Nunnally's va and I really hate Nina


What discrimination & the destinction between lower and upper class citizens boils down to is that you either have some excuse to take something others have or force others to do the work you don't like..that's why, no matter how racist societies were, they always wanted to subjugate the discriminated; they don't really want them to be gone, because then they would't have cheap labour or *gasp* have to do the hard everyday-labour themselves...


Well, don't know if it has anything to do with it, but maybe C.C.'s attitude also has to do with how old she is and how many conflicts she has seen & that none of the involved parties really matter to her; I mean, she LITERALLY grabbed the first guy she met after being set free again & gave him Geass-powers; didn't seem to me she had any idea he even HAD a cause back then. What I'm also interested in is how the government will handle the loss of 1 Million cheap laborers they needed, more than ever with rebuilding efforts after the black rebellion & all. Will they somehow make do with what they have? Will they work the remaining elevens/japanese to death to make up for that? Will they put the special administrative zone on hold because they may (?) loose even more labour force by giving them those rights? Or will they somehow try to go after them and get them back into their pens?