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"He really needed to blow off some steam." ...keep in mind that we've yet to see a time limit on any of the indefinite commands issued by Lelouch's Geass. With that in mind, it's possible all those people will keep performing those actions until they are physically no longer able to. (Unconciousness or worse, especially if they continue obeying the commands if they regain conciousness)


Oof. Couldn’t he snap them out of it? He can’t geass them again so he can’t stop it that way. But what if he slapped them in the face until they stopped 😅


"Maybe this shit isn't important" *hiding from the distant battle sounds of the LuluxShirley/Kallen/C.C. shippers* Yup, not important at all. :P As for which one he "loves", it's hard to tell(even as a guy). It's clear he cares about all of them, for different reasons.


And you hit the nail on the head with your outline of C.C. She even states part of it herself; she doesn't care what he does, only that he stays alive. She would even prefer he not be a part of the Black Knights, since that would actually be safer for him. The only thing she cares about is Lelouch successfully fulfilling his contract with her. As for what that means, neither Lelouch nor we as the audience know yet. If she believes that Lelouch is incapable of holding up his end of the contract, she will abandon him, just as she did Mao. Conversely, if she believes that Lelouch IS still capable of fulfilling the contract, she will go to the ends of the Earth to make sure he's safe. (Keep in mind the entire year between the two seasons while Lelouch was caught in the Emperor's amnesia. She was leading a contingent of the Black Knights to try to find him and free him again.)


Shirley: Female friend C.C.: Female accomplice Kallen: Female subordinate Kaguya: (Don't tempt me, child) Only romantic interest Lelouch ever had: Euphemia


Agh!! Ur right! She did abandon Mao! Man she really is a user. Ugh! I am really starting to dislike her.


I always found Zero's last command in this episode funny. "I order you to participate willingly...." I don't remember the exact sentence in the subs but dubs made a funny decision when writing this. As for Lelouch's motivation, yes it changed but it's still not about humanity. It's about restoring his happier days with his friends from the Ashford Academy. It's about bringing Kallen, Suzaku and Nina (I don'tt know why would anyone want Nina) back to Ashford Academy and restoring the memories of Rivalz, Milly and Shirley.


And btw, the show becomes golden from this point on. There is not a single episode I didn't enjoy. And a fun fact about pronounciations: In the original Japanese Charles' name is pronounced as "sharuru" which indicates his name is pronounced as "sharl" as in Charlamegne. The dub calles him Charles because of the simplicity I guess.

Matthew B

I think it's fine to dislike CC. She is a divisive character in the fandom at this point in the story.


Nice reaction! One small suggestion about something you mentioned in an older reaction: I think it would make a lot of sense for you to randomly do double episode reactions on all shows (on days where you feel like it). It would probably make your second episode reaction better since you are more into the show and remember more (usually there are around 5 days between episodes otherwise). You would probably also save time/effort compared to doing two separate videos by saving on production and mostly consolidating your review part to the end of the video (as you have done in previous double episodes reactions).


Regarding joining the special zone to test it out: It's kinda problematic since the black knights would probably be forced to disarm when joining the zone (That's what they said for the special zone from R1). Probably hard to leave the zone or enforce that it's run in good will if you are disarmed already. Also: I don't think the ring he had has any relevance or even connection to Geass

Tyrone Tyrone

She called Rolo a hoe when he was making his move😂😂😂😂

Tyrone Tyrone

Lelouch loves Kallen the most but knowns CC will be the better partner and feels guilt for Shirley. And Euphy was when he was a kid so it doesn't count. Light on the other hand loves Light.

Valuable Oranges for Sale!

The guy (drug dealer) in the alley wasn't controlling them, they did what he wanted for refrain or whatever else (this is merely a typical street gang). He touched Lelouch because, idk, creepy guy in an alley touching a teen's face.


He must have realized that Kallen had feelings for him? Uhh...sorry for delivering the bad news, but...most of the time we guys don't; the most common response to that stuff from guys is "Huh?" He was pretty much at the bottom right there, with his identity crisis andall; he didn't give a shit about anything at that point (not that it makes it less shitty in any way), until he re-defined himself and his goals. And it seems like C.C. is really only in it for her own endgame & doesn't really care for any goals others have as long as it doesn't interfere with what she wants. But then again - that was precisely why she gave him his Geass-power: I give you something, so I want something in return, simple deal, just that she hasn't told him the price yet & I don't even know if Lelouche would care as long as it helps him with his goals.


Is there a google link for this episode?