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Ok, thanks to your attention to detail on the ending theme I think I might have a better idea of what I think is going on. I agree with you in the statement that the girl in the ending theme is Rachel, and that girl seems older then the freckled female about to partake in the crown game. I think there must be a connection between them that makes them seem similar but overall is a miss direct. Based on what the series has told us so far, I am going to assume these two facts to be the only conclusive thing I can hold on to concerning Rachel 1. The Black March spirit told Bam "Even if you are reunited, things will never be exactly as they were. When you meet her again she will have lived some time without you, but first sleep. The road ahead is hard". So I am choosing to believe that based on that statement, Rachel is alive and Bam will meet her 2. Bam insists that the current blond female standing away from him is not Rachel. I am choosing to believe Bam would know the difference despite how she may have changed. So my current idea of how this can all fit together is that Rachel is all ready higher in the tower and that at some point Bam lost time somewhere. Maybe when he first arrived at the tower and spoke to Headon, tons of time had all ready past. Something about Headon being a white rabbit and being the person who leads people to the inner tower makes me feel very suspicious of time tomfoolery going on. Like some Lewis Carol, "Alice in Wonderland" shenanigans I agree with you, it just doesn't add up and it's bothering me.


A website where I read a review of the first episode - Anime Feminist - had a few commenters who thought Bam came across as a bit of a stalker, or at least a clingy ex. Rachel left him behind after all. Yet he keeps chasing after her.

Rok Gorjanc

The last few chapters (75-78) n season 1 explain a few things about Rachel. Will probably be covered in the last episode.

Kevin Baker

That's ridiculous. She was literally the only other person he knew, due to the amnesia.

Jean Claude Discaya

Going into it purely from the episodes, it may be that being around her teammates traumatized her a bit considering what happened with them in episode 3 in the test administered by Quant, where they killed all the Regulars in 30 minutes in an untimed death match.