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The real plot twist: C.C. with her Pizza-love almost being made into one XD But honestly; back to square one with Suzaku, but this time they both know each others identities, but have to act as if they didn't to not tip anyone off...but how do you stay cool when they throw him such a curveball? And IF she becomes Viceroy of Japan/Area 11, that'd put a target right on her back regarding the Black Knights. Also, even if Lelouche tried to Geass Nunally in worst case, his Geass needs eye contact... - Nunally is blind. Also, he Geassed Viletta already at the start of Season 1, so he can't geass her again.


The only anime that always makes me want Pizza Hut


While it is true that they do give Kallen a lot of fan service in the show, those kinds of suits that she was in gets really hot so people inside of them usually wear minimal clothing like tank tops or singlets so they don't get heat stroke. Geez seeing the lengths that Suzaku will go to to see if he's really Zero again by using Nunnally like that, along with how he's now known as the White Death of Britannia just shows how hard he's become after the events of the first season. Also I think Lelouch was saying the Happy Birthday with the gift was perfect timing to Villetta coz he said she should be reborn as someone new with the Black Knights.


C.C. has an unusual obsession with pizza, because the show is sponsored by PizzaHut. Britannia should just use a giant pizza as bait instead of Lelouch. Suzaku would have to kill a lot more people to get to the top. He already has the nickname of White Death or White Reaper because he killed so many people in the E.U. war. The Black Knights members said the European Union is losing to Britannia, where Schneizel is sending Suzaku to lead the invasions. If he becomes the Knight of One and takes Japan, Honorary Britannians in other Areas would want the same thing. It's interesting how Suzaku wants to change the system, but he is becoming a part of the system instead. They would all fall for the Emperor's rhetoric - fight, compete, evolve. They would conquer the whole world for Britannia or die trying, to get the reward the Emperor dangles in front of them.


There you have it. The real plan to "change the system from within" was to become the mightiest knight of the empire and claim a country for himself. This is quite attainable given how powerful Suzaku is as we have seen, say what you want about this goal but it's not unrealistic. The process of changing the system requires him to become part of it first, whether people think it's "right" or not. The Emperor might not be the best person but he does keep his words, the current knight of one does own an area for himself. I doubt he cares at all whether they are Britannian or not because he only values people's qualifications through strength. I speculate that even if Suzaku simply kills the knight of one he'd still be able to take his title without punishments.


Biting is definitely Arthur’s way of showing affection haha, this is a filler episode but we’re now introduced with two knights of the round, Gino and Anya are both very interesting characters, can’t wait :)


And with this episode comes one of my favorite out-of-context old-school memes about this show. https://i.imgur.com/MeEAuPp.jpg


Omg ur right. I didn’t even think about Nunally being blind and also the Viletta thing. Yeah he can’t geass either of them. So is he going to try and convince Viletta to just go to their side or take this other life he gives her? Don’t answer that lol. I’m just thinking out loud.

Tyrone Tyrone

Omg do you know how many times I've watched Code Geass and the outro is meaningless. 🙄I'll watch it again and point out how meaningless it is...😯Oh I-I-I-I... Lowers eyes bows head...Kudos Kudos Kudos. All hail Lexi The Great of AwakeProductions🙌


hi again swan the one thing i will say just to add on and this my perspective, even if Suzaku achieves his goal of becoming the knight of one and getting area 11 and with that power he was able to improve the lives of the 11's which is a big if the problem of the empire still remands my bias is showing through here, I have a big hatred towards authoritarian governments, and even if area 11 gets under the rule of suzaku the unjust hierarchy of authoritarianism still remains, authoritarian governments can never adequately provide for the needs of their citizens, this is due to may reasons and without diving into political science stuff all money and goods spent on the people can be used as bargaining chips to get the leader's key supports to switch sides by promising them that money. It is just about impossible to get rid of a authoritarian government without ether and external power pressuring and/or annexing them or a revolution, no one of absolute power willingly gives it up if it is not to their benefit.


Lelouch can't use geass on Viletta. It won't work