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The "little boy" introduced himself as V.V. (V-2) to Suzaku when Euphemia just died. He told Suzaku about Geass. He appears to be less than 10 years old and his blond hair is longer than his height. Lelouch's "little brother" is Rolo. He is going to be a very important side character. I'd say he's on the same impact level as Kallen.


"What is this in her breasts? Can we please find out what it is?" It's the activation key for Guren. We saw her pull it out last episode. Quite frankly, it was fuckin' stupid to leave it freaking visible in the middle of hostile territory, since it was visible even while she was working as a spy on the casino floor. (No, I'm just an ordinary Eleven, I don't know why I have a Knightmare Frame activation key stashed in my boobs...), but rule of fanservice applies here, I suppose.


Heh, I honestly loved seeing you get swept up in Zero again. I honestly thought the way Zero laughed at Calares's death would've put you off, especially after what you said about Lelouch's mindset seeming to change.

Tyrone Tyrone

You're reading too much into the outro, it doesn't have any useful information. And the Emperor has Geass in both eyes which is stronger than Lelouch's.


I don't feel any hate from Suzaku towards the Britannians after they mowed down a stadium full of Japanese civilians. He should have jumped in front of them and disabled their Knightmares like the time when he saved Jeremiah. Instead he was too busy looking for his girlfriend.


Right. Suzaku shouldn't blame the man who was responsible for the entire massacre and should've jumped on the Lancelot he DIDN'T bring and shield everyone from the bullets firing from 360 degrees..brilliant!


lol Kallen, her breasts and ass is always facing the camera haha


Suzaku did not know what Lelouch did at the time. The Britannian soldiers were not Geassed. He WAS flying around in the Lancelot looking for Euphe. The first thing he asked Cecile was where was Euphe, not "give me the Lancelot, quick, I need to stop the massacre." If he was really selfless and noble, he would put his life on the line for his principles, like so many times before. Even Schneizel was shocked, but Suzaku showed not one bit of sadness about the dead Japanese. All he cared about was Euphe, and mad enough to kill Japanese left and right to get to Zero.


Without enough information, his priorities as her knight is to protect her from this madness..Besides, don’t you think finding Euphie could put an end to the massacre.. I’m impressed people can always find some reason to hate on him. I’ll apologise on his behalf that he wasn’t so selfless and noble as you would be in this tragedy! If only we had a flawless character, wouldn’t that be perfect for a good story!


Euphe didn't need any protection, with so many Knightmares following her command. He wasn't looking for her so he could stop the massacre. He did not care about the Japanese. He wanted to find Zero only because Zero killed his girlfriend, and he killed Japanese on the way when he didn't have to. He only went mad after seeing Zero shot Euphe. All that nonsense about lifting up the Japanese went out the window. If he is not selfless, and he doesn't have the brains, then what does he have? He's become like any other loyal Britannian knight following their master. His end goal wholly depends on the good gracious of a racist tyrant. He does not fight for change, he prostitutes himself for favors.


I saw Lelouch be more level headed explained by the line he said right before the flashback of how Suzaku took him down. "I was defeated by the old me." He saw how we was acting back then got him where he was and learnt from that.


Omg yeah he does have it in both. I didn’t really notice I guess. Do they tell us that his geass is stronger if it’s in both eyes? Do they explain how? Like maybe people start with it in one eye, but the longer someone has it, eventually it ends up in both of their eyes?


Your questions about Rolo will be answered eventually but details on the emperor's Geass isn't really talked about throughout the whole season so it's hard to really talk about unless you've paid super close attention to other elements of the anime like the manga or deduced the ending thoroughly but I think you'll figure it out more towards the end tbh


So they showed it in the last episode the thing in Kallen's breasts was the key to her knightmare she pulled it out when she was about to enter it


From what you said about Lelouch kinda being a little different I'd say it's from his experience from up to now it's just gotten to a certain point that he's really developed a solid mindset if that makes sense


They don't really explain that part as such, but we generally infer it from Mao's example, who is the strongest Geass user we know. Mao reached the point where he couldn't turn his Geass off anymore(like Lelouch eventually did), and then at some point, it spread to both eyes. The interesting thing is that the Emperor seems to have the ability to turn his Geass off, even with it being in both eyes.


Please take a hint did I sound like I’d like to continue with you? I don’t see any value in debating with you, I welcome opposite views but every time you would come at me with your radical thoughts and twisted logic. Talking to you defeats the purpose of Code Geass because you seem to want to pick a villain to bash on when the world is grey and not black and white. I’d prefer if you just stop replying from now on so I can talk someone who’s more reasonable, like @Jack.

Radoras (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 01:15:06 Nothing humbles a man like having your rebellion stomped & starting from scratch. "They are not disposable anymore! Look at that!" - paused the video right on Kallen's booty XP ...at that point Suzaku went too far himself; it almost seems like he'd do anything now to get into a position of influence and "change it from within", as if everything could be justified if it lets him enact the "change" he wants faster.
2020-03-31 17:21:16 Nothing humbles a man like having your rebellion stomped & starting from scratch. "They are not disposable anymore! Look at that!" - paused the video right on Kallen's booty XP ...at that point Suzaku went too far himself; it almost seems like he'd do anything now to get into a position of influence and "change it from within", as if everything could be justified if it lets him enact the "change" he wants faster.

Nothing humbles a man like having your rebellion stomped & starting from scratch. "They are not disposable anymore! Look at that!" - paused the video right on Kallen's booty XP ...at that point Suzaku went too far himself; it almost seems like he'd do anything now to get into a position of influence and "change it from within", as if everything could be justified if it lets him enact the "change" he wants faster.


The outro has some information tho. The black and white wings being one


you're a perceptive one, I think at this point Lelouch and Suzaku are beginning to switch places, Lelouch seems to have started to change his mindset while Suzaku has nothing left but hatred and duty in his mind he stopped caring about his methods.


Is that your best counter-argument? If you don't want to continue then don't reply. Every time something bad happens you blame Lelouch. Suzaku needs to take responsibility for his own actions. You blame Suzaku's actions on his hatred and trauma caused Lelouch, but don't do the same for Lelouch when he has more hatred and trauma himself. His mother was killed and he was left to die with his sister in a foreign country. He grew up as an exile using a fake name. Both the stadium massacre and mudslide killings were accidents, but you solely blame Lelouch like he planned them. Suzaku went apeshit over one girl after going on a fool's errand looking for her when he could've stopped the massacre with his Lancelot. You claim I'm watching the show wrong because I don't like a character who likes to follow the rules to the letter. Talk about black and white. It doesn't sound like you welcome opposite views at all when they paint Suzaku in a negative light. I was minding my own business and you had to come after me first and insult my intelligence because you know SOOOO much about anime.


I love Lelouch as much as I love Suzaku which is why I point out what people usually neglect about his flaws. Why would I need to do that for Suzaku when we have you here. Lastly, I only reflect on the facts presented by the writers, I’m not interested in speculating what you think should’ve happened and you definitely did not mind your own business given you are the one to respond to my comments negatively every time. Reflect on yourself why I get along with everyone I talked to here except you even though they don’t agree with me either. The difference is I comment with the purpose of promoting a discussion and you do so for an argument. That is all I have for you, good day.


You sure don't like to get along when I point out anything bad about Suzaku. You ARE interested in speculating on what should've happened since you said Lelouch should have come clean about killing civilians to "gain people's respect". If it was up to you, the show would be over at that point. You are contradicting yourself. Disagreeing is fine, but you made plenty of personal attacks. Who was it that said I'm watching the show wrong? Who was it that said I fail to grasp the the world is black and white? If you don't want me to respond negatively, don't act like a child and show some respect. You are the only one here who gets offended over a fictional character.


I've said and seen many negative comments about Suzaku here, you're the only one who triggers me because you're extreme and you force your twisted values onto me and craves to be right when there isn't an absolute right in this show or the real world. My apologies if you considered those personal attacks when they were simply facts I have learned about you. Respect comes both ways, you haven't shown any since the beginning so you best not to expect anything more in return. Prolonging this is meaningless, from now on I won't be reading or responding to you and I expect the same in return.


You are making baseless accusations again. I have presented evidence to back up my claims while you have not. Every time I point out something negative about Suzaku you would come defend him and show how worldly you are about the show. You are the one who's extreme and force your values on others. Making general assumptions about someone's intelligence only shows you do not have a strong argument. Stating them as facts do not make them so. It is laughable. I have been corrected many times by others and I accept them because I was shown respect, unlike you.


I have no time to argue who's the bigger hypocrite here. I can't even be bothered to present my evidence to support my claims let alone respecting you given the past history of you ignoring it then double down on your own self-righteous views, too late to play the victim here. Now scram before you embarrass yourself any further, I'll make sure you get to read this before I delete this whole thread for the sake of others


I thought you won't be reading or responding to me? You just couldn't let it go could you? Now you are telling me to scram because you have nothing else to offer. You are not deleting this thread for the sake of others. Why not leave it along since this is so "embarrassing" for me?


"You failed because you was like you dad" I disagree with that entirely. He failed, exactly because he was the opposite of his dad. He cared only about one person, not about whole nation etc, so he prioritized one person above whole nation and success, and so he failed. That was the sole reason of his failure. And no, I'm not so naive to believe that he suddenly changed his views, it is probably just an act.