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NGNL throws a lot at you sometimes, so its okay to be confused or have questions. In tic tac toe Sora successfully negotiated a winning condition with a draw. That was his goal. He explained that he would loose if he plays something other than paper but its a draw when she would normally loose without that rule, so technically both of them lost. Sora because he didnt play paper and Steph because her scissors got beat by his rock. The trick of the game was that Sora didnt need to win because in their negotiations before the game he secured "a small favor" from Steph if its a draw, which could literally mean anything he wants without her realizing it. Regarding Stephs rags: she is wearing them and not her nice dress because the bitchy girl won their game and that was part of the bet. There are also some hints regarding the elf and the state of imanity in the first 2 episodes but you are right that you will get deeper dives in the following episodes. Thank you for your reactions, your insights and your uncomfortable laughter regarding the lewd stuff xD you are awesome! Greetings from Austria. =)


Yea... so this show lewds poor Shiro quite a bit with panty shots and the like unfortunately but at least she is a genuinely interesting character and not just a 'fan service' character (i.e. Steph lol). As for their incestual-like relationship, you are correct in that they are not blood related though it's a little more complicated than step siblings but you see that later in the season. Still weird... but oh well I guess. The tic tac toe scene has a wrong translation I think, which is why it is so confusing. If not, I have no idea wtf that scene is talking about. Also, there is a movie (No Game No Life Zero) that is a prequel to this season that is really good and answers a lot of Sora/Shiro questions about their personalities. Anyways, fun reaction as always!


If focused on the default game rules of r,p,s then Sora obviously won but technically lost due to not playing scissors but the main point was drawing steph into playing what he wanted her to play and prior to the game he basically allowed him to win in any scenario bc of the conditions to the game like how he wanted a favor and would tell her a hint to how the other chick cheated


Sora meant he can only use Paper to win. If he uses Rock/Scissors, he would lose. But if his Rock/Scissors beats Steph, Steph would also lose, which makes it a tie. This is a psychological dilemma. Do you want a smaller chance of a win, or do you want a bigger chance of a tie? I think Elchea is doomed if the current winner becomes king is because she relies on cheating. She might not be able to protect the kingdom's territory that way.


I wonder why there is a race called the War Beasts, when war is literally NOT ALLOWED in this world. I hope they also play war games like FPS or RTS. I'm not into gambling. Maybe Sora can tell when magic is being used. He was remembering the elf girl's eyes radiating magical energy.


Good hearing :O Matsuoka Yoshitsugu voices for both Betelgeuse and Sora here, he also voices for Kirito from SAO and every harem anime protagonist ever.


well, there WAS a big war - before Tet's default-win and him establishing the covenants.


yup, on the "he cheated" part you said: it was a di**move, but none of the pledges say you can't trick your opponent to give you what you want even in a tie and then deliberately go for a tie; he just exploited that most people think you always go for a clear "win" because...well...that's what you do?


Lmao ikr one of my faves when it comes to cliche mc’s aside from Kaji Yuuki


Glad you like it; it's not as serious a show as Code Geass or Tanya. 😊 I think the part were Clammy told her to "not make the same mistake as your grandfather" she meant that he lost over and over but still kept trying...so "don't be like your grandfather & just give up"? Don't worry that you don't understand the big picture yet, there's simply not enough info on it until now, you'll get more as the series goes on. 😉 Well...they're siblings, but seems like it's also some kind of co-dependence, so they're obviously dealing with their fair share of anxiety and issues


I’m enjoying your no game no life reactions way more than any other anime you’ve reacted to so far


He said if he will use rock or scissor he lose, but if he beat her with it in that round, she will lose too, so it's a tie.


You will learn more about why the siblings are so close and everything in the cooming episodes without spoiling its hard to explain but trust theres a good reason for it.

Kevin Baker

"Basically, Shiro added a rule to the game that if he broke, he would lose the game, but he played it in a way that Steph also lost, making the game a draw. Beforehand, he had gotten a commitment from Steph for things on just a draw, and he didn't actually need to win."


TBF, Steph actually is rly OP, at least if you only include the in-species parameters, and exclude anything that falls outside of that. She's easily in the top 10-5% of the entire species, but Sora and Shiro are just almost god-tier in their bullshittery, so she looks like a dumbass when compared to someone like them.


BTW, Shiro's VA is the same as Darkness'