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I know the audio got peaked at around 25 minutes. I screamed too loudly and it messed it up. It only lasted for about 10-15 seconds though. Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know I was aware. Enjoy.



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Kevin Baker

BTW Russia doesn't get involved until the Tanya movie. Were you planning to do a reaction of it? (pretty please - and sorry if you've already answered this question elsewhere)


The outro is not a happy one. It's sad, if you look at the lyrics. There are rules in our world about not fighting in cities with your full potential, because of the massive destruction of property. They would be turned into a wasteland. City-fighting is hard for the military too because you will have high casualties no matter what. You get shot from multiple angles. It's like fighting a turf war in a maze. The reason Weiss told Grantz not to speak anymore is because Grantz was putting doubts into the soldiers and lowering their morale. If they doubt themselves and hesitate in battle, they can be killed, like how Weiss got wounded. Grantz telling himself he's only saving people is a rationalization tactic, so he can keep going. They say once you smelled burning human flesh, you will never get it out of your memory. Tanya did not give them much time to evacuate after her broadcast, because she asked for their commanding officer, so they could discuss their surrender or the evacuation of civilians according to the rules. But the militia did not have a commanding officer like a military. They were a bunch of mobs with weapons, with no one in charge. So she treated it as them ignoring her declaration. I guess the Republic mage commander could have rushed over to talk things out with her, and send all the people out the city, but he didn't do that.


By Tanya throwing her gun on the ground, it was telling him to shoot them himself. It was more like a... well you go ahead and do it. And yea they represent the Nazis of this world


You should check out Aldnoah Zero because it has innocent people dying in war. The good thing is the villains are the ones doing the murder, and the protagonists are the people you would cheer for.


not really this is supposed to be ww1 and the structure of the empire and traditions we see in the show are the same as the german empire of ww1 not nazis


How do you feel about what she did? Do you think it was the right choice or do you think she was wrong?


She obeyed orders so she wouldn't get shot herself. When she said she's got hell on her front and back, she meant her superiors not giving her a choice, and she's in a hard place. If you only look at the rules written down, she did everything right. But I think if she wanted to save lives, not just looking out for her own safety, she might have found a loophole to buy some time for the civilians to escape. There was no need to keeping shooting. The enemies were leaving. She was probably thinking about ending the war sooner so she doesn't have to fight anymore, that's why she wanted to get rid of potential future combatants using this opportunity. She is cold-blooded, but you could say this is her way of survival. She doesn't let conventional morality get in the way of decision-making. This feels similar to Ainz. She would not do something that does not benefit her, even if it's the humane thing to do.


The movie is about 1 and a half hour. You could split up the recording into 3 videos to upload if it's too long for Patron. One video upload each day, and you would be taking breaks because you don't have to record until after they are all uploaded.


Believe it or not: Nazi-Germany, as bad as it was, covered only a relatively short period of german history; there were plenty of non-racial-supremacist regimes before :P


I have a lot of things to say for this one and it's kinda hard to watch u react just cuz we have such opposing viewpoints but I also don't see that as a bad thing really I think it would be awesome to have a debate with u regarding this anime and I'm sure a lot of people would love discussion convos instead of u saying your part and then us commenting about it cuz that's not really a convo but this anime isn't really conveying a lot of things clearly and I wish me and others could talk to u about that but anyways spilled milk and all that

Zombie Muffin

This is where the anime differs from the novel, the guy never survived in the novel.


The final part - keep shooting so they could blow up the escaping civilian convoi - absolutely was too much in my opinion, even if the reasoning behind it was that to reduce the number of future enemies...if you followed that logic to the extreme, you would arrive at just genociding the whole country so there's noone left who could retaliate In general...to be honest: I don't see a viable alternative (outside "don't start a war over territory to begin with", because that's just how it works, shitty or not) The supply line was vital for the soldiers on the fronline; without supplies they wouldn't get food and starve, no weapons/ ammunition to fight back (-> get shot) and no medical supplies to treat the wounded, so it was either retake the city or let the lack of supply kill their own soldiers. Yes, there are rules and laws to not fight in a city filled with civilians, to let them evacuate so there are no non-combattants in the line of fire, no artillery, but those rules assume that BOTH sides want to avoid harming civilians...many may disagree with my point of view, but if an armed force just bunkers down in a city with civilians for cutting of a supply line with the INTENT to get an advantage over the enemy by keeping the civilans in a warzone ("can't use your heavy weapons now, suckers") they abuse the restrictions...could just as well literally use them as living cover. At that point, the decision boils down to getting civilians killed by artillery or your soldiers by enemy ambushes in the streets..."Your son/husband was shot in the back by an enemy soldier hiding in a bakery; could have cleared the area with long-range weapons, but at least he died respecting the law, right?"

André Bessa

What can I say, a soldier who doesn't follow the orders is good for nothing, he does an outstanding achievement.

André Bessa

This battle's very similar to the Stalingrad Battle was the city burn so bight, that it was possible to read a book a 50 Km ( ~31 miles) from the city.


Completely forgot about a normal day in Slaine’s life... yeah aldnoah zero is good


Completely forgot this was ww1 and not 2 lol


This episode reminds me of Adolf Eichmann and The Banality of Evil. No Imperials at the city wanted to kill the civilians. Yet they did it anyway. Not for malicious reasons, but for the sake of following orders and being a “good soldier” of the Empire. After all, disobeying direct orders can land you in front of a firing squad. No one wants to be known as a coward and a traitor in the homeland that they love and are willing to fight for. Not saying that anything that happened in this episode was the correct or incorrect way to handle the situation. Just saying that it’s all very morally grey and difficult to point fingers at who is responsible for the atrocity. After all, the Republic is just as much at fault as the Empire in this situation. Attempting to take advantage of international wartime laws and placing an entire civilian population into a war zone to gain the advantage over your enemy is just as disgusting as performing an artillery barrage on them in order to regain your supply lines.


I feel like at some point you should react to fate/stay night UBW if you havent seen it yet. The story can be confusing if you know little about the Fate universe but I feel like you'd love Shirou, he kinda takes these moral dilemmas the way you do, unlike a lot of the shows I've seen you react to like Tanya and Overlord.

Tyrone Tyrone

Nothing new or wrong in what Tanya did in proposing the strategy. "War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it. " "Those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. " "We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war." American Civil War hero William Tecumseh Sherman.


Agreed. This is something people always forget. The republic could have asked the CO of the local militia that started the rebellion to stand down or even evacuate him and the other billigerents to their side in order to keep the civilians out of harms way. By beginning guerilla operations behind enemy lines, cutting off the supply to the enemy front and in a city no less was as close to a death sentence to the Arene civilians as the artillery barrage itself. I mean, what was the Imperial high command supposed to do? Throw their hands up and say, 'welp, nothing we can do. guess our boys on the front will die from not having supplies. oh well' Civilians should always be kept out of harms way, regardless of what side you are on, and if you are cowardly enough to use them (the republic this episode) or attack them (the empire this episode) then you don't deserve to lead. Hell, Caesar built two separate walls around Alessia and the empire couldn't reroute a railroad? But either way, both militarys were at fault in my opinion.