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🥱 let’s get this over with


Diethard is not a double agent. He tipped off Zero about the Britannian military going to the Narita mountain. But yes, he's not in the Black Knights for the same reasons as the other members.


"Why did you do it? Did you do it to help her?" In a way, he did it to help her, and protect her, as well as protect himself: 1) Her guilt and confusion at realizing she was in love with the person that killed her father was tearing her apart. Mao's mind rape only made it worse. It's something she most likely would've needed a lot of therapy for, but she couldn't seek it without telling the therapist the source of the conflict, which would blow Zero's identity. By removing himself from her life, he removes the source of that conflict. 2) Getting close to Lelouch, as well as knowing Zero's identity, puts a huge target on her back. Mao mind raped her because of her connection to Lelouch and Geass. What would the next person looking for either one do? 3) Protecting himself, in both the obvious and non-obvious ways. The obvious one being keeping the secret of Zero and Geass. Less obvious in that he's shielding himself from having to be responsible for her death or worse, either from having to kill her to protect his secret, or have her be targeted because of her connection to him. For those last two, remember C.C.'s advice earlier this episode? "If you have someone you want to protect, you should keep them at a distance." This was Lelouch accepting and following that advice. You mentioned both #1 and #3 in your post-episode talk(which I'm still watching), I was just listing them out here.


First of all, I have to say I'm very much looking forward to seeing your later reactions to this series. I've not seen someone react with such vehemence to the ending of this episode, and I'm really interested in seeing your opinion on the events that follow. That said, if you don't mind me asking, is your dislike for mind-erasure/amnesia mainly because of how it commonly affects the ongoing plot of stories that feature it? When it first happened, you mentioned how you found it to be such a violation of Shirley. I agree that it is a violation, but as you brought up yourself, I'm not sure it could be considered much worse than everything else we've seen Geass do so far. Complete mind reading, knowing a person's deepest thoughts and fears? And Lelouch's power of absolute submission? And then you brought up the point of how it affects the plot, which is quite true. Speaking of violations, though, we've seen things hinted at that might be far worse with Lelouch's Geass, depending on your point of view. First of all, the very fact that anyone he gives an order to does not recall the order or following it, automatically, has very dark implications. Also, consider that we've seen Lelouch attempting to test how long he could make a Geass command last, with the girl he Geassed into marking the wall of the school roof every day. We see tons of marks on the wall, and the last time we saw that girl, she was still continuing to do it. There appear to be no restrictions on WHAT order he gives, nor does there appear to be any restrictions on how long a Geassed person can be controlled. The only restrictions we've seen on Lelouch's Geass are the range(he can't be too far away), the need for direct eye contact, and the fact that a person can only be Geassed by him once. But what if the order he gives is "obey every command I give you from now on?" He now has an unthinking, unremembering, permanent slave. Geass itself is a violation. And don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing you for your opinion. I think it's a refreshing take, actually, and it's certainly not a reaction I've seen before. I'm just trying to understand it better.


To expand a bit further, Diethard's motivations have pretty much been laid out at this point: he's only interested in getting to record and publish an amazing, dramatic story. It was Zero's flair for the dramatic that first caught his attention, and he immediately began taking risks to focus more on Zero(in one of the earlier episodes with Diethard managing the broadcast of some of Zero's actions, Diethard is seen arguing with a subordinate to keep broadcasting Zero's actions, saying that he himself will take liability for the decision. He then goes and grabs a camera himself to film Zero better.) It's a very different motivation, but interestingly, even though he's been swept up in the glory of Zero as well, it's in a very different manner from the resistance, who see him as a great man performing miracles for their freedom and justice. Diethard saw through the public persona of Zero right away. Think back to the episode where they freed Suzaku, "This is all just a performance to him!" And then later getting even more excited with the confrontation in the bay where Zero blew the JLF up. Even though he absolutely loves it, he's the only one to have seen past the glamour of Zero, and seen it for the manipulation it is. It just so happens that he wants that manipulation to continue, because he finds it fascinating. EDIT: That point of view is also what lets him figure out right away that Zero was the one that killed the JLF. That's what made him so excited during that battle; it showed how far Zero was willing to push things to advance his plans. And then note that HE'S the one that challenges Ohgi when Ohgi is having second thoughts about that battle. He doesn't deny that Zero did it; he acknowledges that the timing of what happened to the JLF was VERY convenient for the Black Knights, and then asks Ohgi what he would do if it turns out Zero WAS the one who killed the JLF.


Good point. Do you think he could actually do that? The thing about him telling someone to obey his every command from now on.


God I wonder who Euphemia wants to choose to be her knight


I guess we'll get more info on him in the next episodes; surely Lelouche will pressure CC for information on him.


On a side note, regarding the "Lelouch can't win against Mao BECAUSE he is who he is"-part CC thought on her way up the mountain...I think a mind-reader is the worst possible opponent imaginable for Lelouche, because his biggest (and aside from Geass almost only) strenght is his intelligence and strategic mind; all the plans he makes, thinking ahead, keeping the conditions for success in mind... Mao is a perfect counter to that; as long as Mao can read Lelouch's thoughts he can simply do whatever his opponent thought of as the worst-case-scenario in terms of possible outcomes for his plans, like he showed when beating him at chess, his favourite game, despite admittedly having never played the game before

Aespa MY

I regret joining your patron to watch this show. I waited till you finished before watching a single ep