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Jesse Gallimore

If you do end up doing a double upload I suggest you go for either 7 and 8 as a pair or 12 and 13. To clear up the Empire's situation - They have a new Emporer (😄 the prince) and he became known as the Bloody Emperor because he was tired of these bitch ass Nobles and their self interests and degeneracy. So he started executing mfkers left and right till they were like, 'Ok dude chill you have all the power we out.' So that's what Arche's family is going through as ex-Nobles.

Jesse Gallimore

But he's a pretty good Emporer and they definitely deserved to get whacked because when you talk shit you get hit. Dude was groomed from birth to be the epitome of the word Ruler. He thinks of the Empire as one living organism with himself as the head. He does everything for the greater good of the Empire.


Yeah that Patreon charges the day you pledge and then at the first of every months is kinda dumb, also dumb is that if you cancel your pledge you lose access instantly. So if you cancel, cancel at the end of the months. I think Ainz added Nemu, because if she would die Enri is sad and if Enri is sad Nfirea is sad. But if Nemu gets in Danger and Lupsregina safes her, they are even more greatful to Ainz. And thats his goal, that they are loyal to him and stay with him. Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix is not the borther of Renner (not that i know, would be news to me) and he is the Emperor of the Baharuth Empire. Re-Estize is a Kingdom with Renner, her borthers and her father as king and so one. E-Rantel lies in the middle of both, and i think in Season 1 Episode 2 the chief of Carne Village said to Ainz that those 2 have war all the time. So its Empire vs Kingdom. And like you said, you should read the stuff more xD because Overlord is a lot about World Building and less about constant action. But well, there is only like 6 Epsodes left and a Season 4 we porbably wont see before 2021. About the Nobles, Ainz said to Nabe "According to Fluder, he removed all incapable nobles from power", and well you could clearly see that the Parent of Arche were kinda incapable, they are just power hungry. About the Borther of Renner, i think they've said in S2 that Barbro is the Crown pirnce and i think they planned that Renner helps that Zanac can become the new Crown Prince or something like that. Fake Nazarick was the wooden hut in the forest they build before Cocytus fought with the Lizardman. Between the beginning of Overlord S1 and S3 there has only like 6 months passed, from what i know, and before that the Tomb of Nazarick wasn't in that World So Nazarick is a newly discovered ruin for the People in that World since it came out of nowwhere literally. Arches Talent is kinda like a scouter from Dragonball Z, she can see the amount of Magic Power someone has, but well... not in numbers but visually.


The Death Knight in the beginning does not belong to Ainz. It was naturally formed in the world. Different undead come out from time to time in the Katze Plains because so many people die there fighting the annual war. The Baharuth Empire fights the Re-Estiz Kingdom around harvest time to keep it in a weakened state. The Kingdom has to draft peasants into its army and there's not enough men to harvest the crops, so they rot in the field. You might need a barf bag for the next episode because it gets dark.


I was so lost on the kingdoms and empires on my first watch through also :) you figured it out like 100x faster than me.


please no spoilers about what happens during/after the next few episodes in the anime (even if it's the stuff cut, stuff only in the LN/WN) I'm not sure how well received that information will be. For those who already know, yea, you know? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ pretty much anything you guys "fill in" until after the Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc will ruin reactions it. Trust me on this one. All the best ones are the ones who go through this story arc blind, no one likes to be spoiled.


Ok, you picked up the new Empire-stuff on this episode quite well 😅 In my opinion Overlord just dumps a lot of info on you every now and then, moving on directly after that so you have almost no time to figure it out, so...good job 👍 Well, concerning the Tomb Raid...he DID ask them for their reasons and if the reward was really worth risking their lives; he gave them a last chance to back off and they refused so...their choice On another note: how did you like Cautious Hero? I found it hilarious 🤣 Ok, after the first 1 or 2 episodes the freshness wears off a bit, but I still love how it makes fun of tropes, like the typical bold, push-through-it-with-will-and-friendship MCs^^


Few things anime includes from the books but doesn't explain causing confusion: Baharuth empire picks a fight with Re-estice kingdom every year around harvest, to counter the professional soldiers the kingdom drafts large numbers of farmers, they don't fight much, that's not the point. It's meant to spoil the harvest causing food shortages and strain on the kingdom to make it eventually easier for the empire to conquer. The Slane theocracy (to the south) is fully on board with this plan as they ultimately want to join with the empire and form a unified human nation, they even sent one of their special ops teams to assassinate Gazif to weaken the king, this is the situation in to which Nazaric arrived and basically scrambles everything. Slane theocracy is also at war with the elves to their south, when they take prisoners they cut off the ear tips and sell them as slaves, that's the 3 elves girls the "heavenly warrior" has with him.


Oh something that threw me in the next episone (not spoiler) the large slave collars reduce the wearer stats, in yegdrasill people exploited this as it allowed them to gain experience by fighting lower level enemies.


well it kinda is a spoiler, since this is stuff from next episode. You could say it in the comments for the next episode.


next episode is going to be awesome. You will either hate Ainz or not :)


I'd like to point out that the Re-Estize Kingdom basically forced ST's hand, since they originally allowed them to exist, as the "mookmaker" component for Human Supremacy (basically since the area is fertile af, it's supposed to cram out humans 24/7 in abundance), but the fuckboi nobles etc fucked all of this up, since they care more about their own personal interests than the "For The Greater Good (Of Human Supremacy)". So now that ST knows the project is a failure, they think it's better to wipe out all the fuckbois there and use it for something else, in addition to combining with the Baharuth Empire, which is evidently superior to Re-Estize Kingdom (not without merit, I'd agree, considering how shitty Re-Estize is as of now, since they fucked up the project) as of now.


When Ainz uses his Perfect Warrior spell when in his Momon persona his stats change (temporarily), increasing his physical abilities while reducing his magic casting abilities. Also, if you think back to the time when Ainz fought Shaltear in Season 1, he used spells called False Data Life/Mana which causes others to receive falsified information when they read those stats. I think it's pretty safe to bet that Ainz has ways of hiding his stats from people.

Touch Me

I quickly glanced through the comments here and seems like nobody mentioned it , but that Red orb isn't just a character design , it's a world item , a really powerful one apparently .... No one knows much about it tho


afaik it doesnt change his stats it just basically allowed him to equip any armour meant for warrior type classes that he wouldnt otherwise be able to wear but he cant cast spells anymore.