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they already got you shocked in the 3rd episode? This is gonna be good 😁

Mad Goldsmith

Right, I forgot to say this, but you want to skip reading the episodes' names to avoid accidental spoilers.

Matthew B

Seconded. Code Geass episode names are insane with what they spoil. Not even remotely subtle.


The little girl lying on the stairs was his little sister, she had her eyes open back then. The woman on top of her was their mother.


yea.. his friends will "help" him. You catching on stuff :D. Almost on the princess stuff tho.

Jesse Gallimore

Britannia values strength above all else. It doesn't matter if you're male, female, 1st in line or last in line: if you're the only one standing at the end of the game of thrones - you're the Emperor


Code Geass sure has a subtle way of fan service


Yes. She was crippled in the same attack that killed their mother, and the trauma of the attack left her with psychosomatic blindness.


Most of your questions about the Royal line will be answered in upcoming episodes, but there is one point of confusion that will not be, because of a misunderstanding - the "throne" Prince Clovis is sitting on is NOT the Imperial Throne. He is NOT the Emperor, he is the Viceroy of Area 11(Japan). Basically, he's the Head of State of one of The Empire's vassal territories. He IS the ruler of Area 11, but is not the ruler of the Empire.