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Try not to worry so much about the haters. Your reactions are by far the best I've seen on YouTube! I'm not even quite sure why overlord fans are so passionate. It's just a show with a big cult following. In my opinion, the show is sub par at best.


I agree with you that you can't be expected to understand EVERYTHING without the prior knowledge many people have (or seem to expect)...certainly hope none of my comments came around that arrogant and if, I certainly didn't mean it that way. To be honest, many of your conclusions (e.g. Renner working with Ainz) I found interesting because they didn't even occur to me when I watched the first time; I just laid back and waited for the reveal. Just because some of your theories don't align with what happened in the end doesn't make them less valid; you can only make an informed guess based on what information was presented to us in the anime and in that regard you're doing good. NOT ONCE did I hear you theorize and thought "that's bullshit", because concerning what the audience knows at the respective moment it makes sense. EDIT: I think one part of Demiurge's plan was to us the whole "demon invasion" plot as a cover for not only destroying, but taking the Eight Fingers guys, so he basically now has the former underworld leaders in his hand while at the same time getting the king's gratitude...also think the guy they want to marry Tuare to might be Sebas, yes 🥰


I guess because the main character isn't a good guy; the only other anime I know that this applies to is Tanya the Evil...correct me if I'm wrong,could be I'm simply not knowledgable enough to know others, so maybe to some it's a fresh idea that attracts their attention.

Jesse Gallimore

I'm pretty sure Pestonia (Dog maid) was teasing Sebas by saying she would be marrying him. Sebas was demoted because he is now in charge of caring for Tsuare. Ainz promised her his protection for the rest of her life and she wants to be with Sebas. So Ainz made Sebas her caretaker to fulfill his promise to her and say thanks to her dead sis that that bitch Clementine stabbed like a jillion times, RIP in pieces crying emoji.


i think you are doing pretty good. you are not misunderstand much and when you do misunderstand something it is within reason ( all of us do). Also most of us have seen all 3 seasons so we understand the story pretty well and it is easy to nit pick on your misunderstandings. bottom line don't worry about it, you are doing just great.


Don't feel too bad for the people killed by Shalltear in the cave. They were bandits who rob and rape travelers in carriages. They were going to do the same thing to Solution's party. Shalltear's disguise threw me off too. She has many different dresses because of her creator's "fetishes." She ends a lot of her sentences with "arisu," which supposedly is the way traditional Japanese prostitutes talk. Climb only saved some people. The rest were taken to Demiurge's concentration cam-- I mean Happy Farms. Ainz caught it this time so they weren't tortured like all the ones before them. Taking over the Eight Fingers would control the Kingdom's underworld. Ainz's attempt to maintain his leadership image by rescuing Tuare snowballed into Albedo dropping the hammer on Eight Fingers, and then into Demiurge using the strike team to further his (Ainz's) world domination agenda.


Don't spend energy on people that give you unreasonable comments, they are not worth your time. They are also not the people you are making this content for, you make this content for people who wishes to share their experiences watching the show with you. There are a lot of people in this world that do not agree with you, or how you do things. It does not mean they are right and you are wrong, in the end there is only experience, your own thoughts are your own, nobody else's. If you enjoy the show, keep watching, if not, find something else that might peak your interest, I mostly became a supporter because of Overlord, but that does not mean I won't respect your view on it. I watch this to see what you think about the show, and I like to see other people's point of view, as it most likely differs from my own. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you enjoy what you do, and don't let anyone with negative intentions persuade you otherwise, if they are not satisfied, sure they are free to tell you about it, but you are also free to put their thoughts to the side if it does not benefit you. Don't know what else I could say to encourage you in this situation, but just to drop a tiny bit of info in there, as it's already said, it shouldn't be spoilers. But the line about Tuare getting married, was more of a surprise to Sebas(Tian) <- Real name by the way, you weren't wrong about that. It was more of a surprise to him from Ainz. *wink* *wink* If you know what I mean ;)


Aw so Ainz was being nice!! That’s so freaking sweet!!!! I’m so happy for them!!! Also, thanks for the encouragement. I do enjoy this show and I knew I shouldn’t let haters deter me from watching what I want! I shouldn’t let them ruin my fun! So thanks again! ❤️


Ainz didn't take Frost Pain from Zaryusu. He made a copy "Frost Pain Modified" which is better than the original. Maybe his bad acting passed because of his character's high luck and chraisma stats. Many of his bad decisions turned out to work out for him in some way, and girls fall for him. Also, check out Narberal's face when Evileye was clinging on to him. She must be thinking all kinds of bug insults.


Some stuff that happends in the Anime is kinda hard to understand, because the reveals or needed informations comes at a later point. Also there is a lot of informations we don't get because the they are cut out of the Anime, because the Novel is way more in depths, i think the Anime would be way to long if they take everything from the novel and put it into the Anime.


BTW, the reason it was an amazing feat for him to clip her nail, is because it's literally OP-grade, since the nails of a Vampire count as species-locked gear, and thus this "gear" also levels up along with the character, just like the Fangs/skin do. This is exclusive to Heteromorphs, basically. The reason they have so many potentially crippling weaknesses (usually), is because the Heteromorphs were MORE POWERFUL than humanoid or demi-human races in YGGDRASIL, with unique OP species-specific abilities and stuff.


Can't wait for season 3 reactions, you should also check the ovas


It is unfortunate to hear that some people are upset that you unable to pickup some of the vague hint that the show gave as to what is happening. IMHO, you pickup quite decent of amount of hint the show gave compared to me.For example who is the special target. But i liked browsing the wiki regarding the show i liked so i am able to catch up with all the little detail. If you feeling that you not enjoying the show then. Maybe you should drop season 3 as to put it simply. Ainz do what he did this season but on the next level. And you may get triggered on what he about to do to say the least haha. If you wanna do a new show. May i suggest goblin slayer to keep with the dark theme overlord has and it also feature quite abit of rpg. But i thinked it is alot new comer friendly. And maybe do Dr. Stone so we all can learn new shit and go big brain. Thats if you havent watch those shows >.<.


so is there an anime that you are already planning in taking overlord's place?


I love your reaction. Just try to ignore these people who are upset for no reason..


Just remember that people who are angry and condescending are only so as a reflection of their own misserable-ness and insecurities. Also you are very smart, you managed to turn something you enjoy doing into a job. Lastly most of us who comment advice only know so much because we read all the books and watched all the shows more than once, we aren't smarter we've just spent more time with it. It must be killing your boyfriend to not talk about it this show with you and accidently spoil it lol. Season two ended kinda weak in my opinion but you'll really like season 3 episode 1, its more of a slice of life episode! Hope you, your fam, and your bf all have a good positive day


Don't let haters distract you but don't be blind to criticism. That is those who criticize you want you to shine brighter.


Also don't use twitter or don't make it your main source. That place has ruined more lives then help people. its full of toxicity from every person and I personally don't want you to get involve with them. but you do you.


Also demiurge split up the humans leaving one group in nazarick and the other in the capital for later usage.


Nothing wrong with not picking up everything first time, I regularly notice stuff I haven't seen upon rewatching, and I don't even react myself so missing stuff when you are actually engaging with the reaction too is totally understandable - I still sometimes spot new things while watching your Steins;Gate reaction and I have seen it multiple times prior so I would just say ignore all the haters, you enjoy what you do and we enjoy watching it (why anyone would spend the time watching just to criticise is beyond me) Also, PENNY! Unexpected RWBY reference was very welcome

Clarence Tan

Just let the haters hate, they probably didn't pick up everything the first time either... I always thought you are a great person, that's why I subbed on patreon, so don't feel insecure.


Goblin slayer will have her crying all over the place, I never cry for anything normally but even I had a frown watching that show, its really sad but really good


Dog maid lady was suggesting that the human girl and Sebas would end up getting married. Sebas was being very considerate and protective of the girl so the dog maid lady picked up on that and made a sly comment about it that caught Sebas off guard. That's all it was.