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Lye Batenkaitos

Great reaction - you are absolutelt correct about the hot springs. Hot springs are groundwater that get heated by an underground volcano, and shoot back up into the earth. Sometimes they’re really hot, they can cause death or serious burns , they aren’t “boiling” but they are unnaturally hot. Aqua was born with a massive holy aura so whenever she touches unnatural water, it turns back into h20. The hot spring is mixed with magma, so when aqua touches it - the magma gets removed and it just turns into regular water, but I believe it still stays warm because the magma has been present for hundreds of years. If aqua touches coca cola- I believe it would also turn into regular water since coke is just contaminated water.

Kevin Baker

Oni (鬼) are a kind of yōkai, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. Onii-chan means pretty much the same as Onii-san as in older brother. The difference is the former is informal or "cuter", while the latter is more formal, as "-chan" is an informal honorific, while "-san" is a formal one. ("Oni" vs "Onii")


Having less shows at once is good too. It means less waiting time between episodes. Not all of us watch every anime you watch. I think what you were trying to pronounce is Code Geass. It's a very smart anime with giant robot elements. It has both strategy and action. It's not exactly a new anime, and should have dubs by now.

Dan McKellar

When you do find out who that "oni" girl is, you'll be surprised.


Are you going to watch the konosuba ova's?


...I know Aqua has good intentions, but...she could hurt the Demon King the most if she just joined his army and started fucking everything up for THEM 🤣 Concerning the Oni-thing: one meaning for "Oni" is Ogre (which in japanese seems to be either a monster, an (evil) spirit or a demon, don't know what the meaning depends on), but "ogres" are depicted different in western, slavic & eastern mythology. I really liked Tokyo Ghoul, but if you dropped it halfway through the first season it seems like you didn't really enjoy it that much; so better try another show that you may like more? 🙂

Zombie Muffin

If you liked Tokyo Ghoul, have you tried reading it? The manga and the anime are completely different and in my opinion and most other fans of tokyo ghouls opinion they really butchered the adaption.. The manga is also more violent and gory.


Eventually you will understand everything, all in time.


Oni can also translate to "demon", although I think that the more "western" variant is usually referred to with the term "akuma".


Ummm did she drop konosuba when there was 1 more episode left?


Was wondering the same thing lol. To anyone reading this in the future: she did 2x10, she just didn't tag it.


you ever reacting to konosuba movie?.