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How can we add more anime’s to your reactions


you can give me a suggestion, i will take it into consideration, and once it comes time for me to replace one of the shows I'm watching, i will post a poll and the show you recommended might be in there!

AwakeProductions (edited)

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2021-08-31 01:48:45 it fits fine! don't worry about it! i like my shit oversized anyway!! thank you so much! <3
2019-10-16 02:41:11 it fits fine! don't worry about it! i like my shit oversized anyway!! thank you so much! <3

it fits fine! don't worry about it! i like my shit oversized anyway!! thank you so much! <3

Jesse Gallimore

Sebas's mission is to gather information. When he said he's going to walk around and "go there" he's just muttering to himself. It wasn't anything specific he's just aimlessly exploring the city to gather information. Yes Touch Me is part of their guild. In fact he's the strongest in their guild and arguably the strongest on the entire server that they played on. Btw, he's not human he was of the insectoid race. No one in Nazarik is human. (Kinda) There are a LOT of blondes. It's the natural hair color of the people of the kingdom. Until you see their faces more often they'll probably all kind of look the same. Yes, Gagaran is indeed a woman... quite the man of a woman. It sometimes coincides that the things that Ainz does happen to be good things. And sometimes it coincides that the things that he does happen to be bad things. But everything he does is selfishly for the benefit of Nazarik. There is no thought of is this good or is this bad. The phrase you're looking for is "The ends justify the means"


When you finish Konosuba, check out Umaru Himouto. It's also a comedy with a spoiled main character like Aqua. After Overlord, check out Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil), another anime series from Isekai Quartet. Main character is a villain like Overlord. Both animes' first season have dubs.


Sebas Tian is a word play on the name Sebastian, a common name for combat butlers in animes. You can pronounce the names however you want. A lot of English words like names are pronounced differently in Japanese. Think tomato tomato.


Tuare is not in the intro, but she is in the outro. You should watch the outro once, on the last episode because it is really good, and it shouldn't have any spoilers by then. Sebas is very kind partly because of his good alignment in his character build. It's a lot higher than Cocytus. Cocytus will be nice to people when he can, while Sebas would go out of his way to help them.


Dude right after the video it clicked for me. I remembered the phrase and I felt so stupid! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Wow the strongest in the entire guild and the game? So stronger than Ainz? That’s impressive. I wish we could see more flashbacks of him. Yeah it seems like he does things selfishly for Nazarick and however the cards fall for the other people doesn’t matter to him.


I recommend soul eater.

Jesse Gallimore

Yeah, Ainz could never once beat him in a duel. Believe it or not, for level 100s Ainz is really in the middle tier as far as combat strength goes. His "firepower" is actually quite weak. What makes him a good fighter is his versatility, knowledge, and strategy.


It's not wrong to call Shalltear a dumb bitch, because she really is dumb compared to the other Guardians. She tries to steamroll every enemy without using her head because she is so strong and ignorant. Maybe the mind-control incident will give her an attitude adjustment. Brain won't make the connection, because Shalltear only referred Ainz as "my lord" in Brain's presence. Don't worry we will not hate you for disliking some characters. I actually enjoy you being triggered because I'm a sadist. If you read the light novels, you will only be more enraged at the messed up things. The anime adaptation is like a kid's version of the story.


Well, i would recommend Kimetsu no Yaiba. I'am currently Watching it and its Awesome.


Lol when you said "shove it up your fucking ass" after Solution asked what to do with Tuare, she would probably like that because Solution eats people by absorbing them through bodily contact. She actually ate Tuare's unborn baby, to whom Solution was referring to when she said she would consume "you" before Sebas returns.


The Shadow Demon that Sebas mentioned is a Monster that they use in Nazarick. Shadow Demon is a level 30 demon that is used by Nazarick's field agents as an emergency shield. Appearance Shadow Demons are like shadows without thickness expanded from the darkness. From an observer's point of view, it was as if something two dimensional had gained a third dimension. They resemble emaciated humanoid figures with bat wings attached to their backs, their fingers ending in sharp claws. Their figures are pitch black, as if created from darkness itself. The only other color were the eyes, a sickly glowing shade of yellow. Abilities Shadow Demons possess a special ability called 'Shadow Warp,' allowing them to transverse at short distance between shadows. As implied by its name, Shadow Demon could morph into shadows, it is a monster that excelled in stealth and relaying information to their masters. As shown with Sebas or Demiurge, a Shadow Demon is also capable of hiding within a person's shadow and leaving it. Shadow Demons are used as protection for the NPCs and Ainz every time they are outside the Great Tomb of Nazarick Originally, Ainz Ooal Gown had stationed the Shadow Demons at Carne Village, but for the purpose of building a good relationship with them, he had sent Lupusregina Beta instead.


I love how the different NPC's allignments are shown in this season. If not contradicting orders from Ainz, Sebas' disposition towards humans is generally positive cuz he's a good alligned character. Aura and Mare for example are relatively neutral, so they're not outright hostile, but instead just don't care at all about people outside Nazarick. Now Demiurge tho on the other hand... oh boy :D

Zombie Muffin (edited)

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2021-08-31 01:48:44 I'm excited to see you reacting to more of these episodes, especially excited to see you reach season 3.. I also recommend reading the fan translations you can find on the subreddit &gt;https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/68149b/where_can_i_read_the_light_novel_newcomers_faq/ Granted, buying the books and supporting the author is also the best way to show you enjoy a series.. But the fan translations are superior in terms of translations. I'd say buy the books and read the fan translations. You'd really get a lot out of the books.. You could also make videos where you read the light novels, too~ Be a bit different but it would be fun.
2019-10-16 12:22:55 I'm excited to see you reacting to more of these episodes, especially excited to see you reach season 3.. I also recommend reading the fan translations you can find on the subreddit >https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/68149b/where_can_i_read_the_light_novel_newcomers_faq/ Granted, buying the books and supporting the author is also the best way to show you enjoy a series.. But the fan translations are superior in terms of translations. I'd say buy the books and read the fan translations. You'd really get a lot out of the books.. You could also make videos where you read the light novels, too~ Be a bit different but it would be fun.

I'm excited to see you reacting to more of these episodes, especially excited to see you reach season 3.. I also recommend reading the fan translations you can find on the subreddit >https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/68149b/where_can_i_read_the_light_novel_newcomers_faq/ Granted, buying the books and supporting the author is also the best way to show you enjoy a series.. But the fan translations are superior in terms of translations. I'd say buy the books and read the fan translations. You'd really get a lot out of the books.. You could also make videos where you read the light novels, too~ Be a bit different but it would be fun.

Zombie Muffin

It can be argued he's way more powerful in this new world, though, given his instant death abilities and such. Not to mention his items but just from a power standpoint..

Radoras (edited)

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2021-08-31 01:48:44 I don't really hate/dislike Ainz; he has reasons for what he's doing...it's just that moral &amp; ethics aren't part of the equation. And it's not like he doesn't have a heart at all - he felt guilty for what happened to Shalltear after all &amp; crushed Clementine to Death because of what she did instead of just snapping her neck; you could tell it was personal - so sometimes I can relate to him, sometimes I can't, keeps it interesting...making me constantly re-evaluate him &amp; my opinion of him. and hey, if you're the kind that wants a clearly good Main Character, just agree to disagree; at least we have fuel for discussions! 😉
2019-10-16 12:33:47 I don't really hate/dislike Ainz; he has reasons for what he's doing...it's just that moral & ethics aren't part of the equation. And it's not like he doesn't have a heart at all - he felt guilty for what happened to Shalltear after all & crushed Clementine to Death because of what she did instead of just snapping her neck; you could tell it was personal - so sometimes I can relate to him, sometimes I can't, keeps it interesting...making me constantly re-evaluate him & my opinion of him. and hey, if you're the kind that wants a clearly good Main Character, just agree to disagree; at least we have fuel for discussions! 😉

I don't really hate/dislike Ainz; he has reasons for what he's doing...it's just that moral & ethics aren't part of the equation. And it's not like he doesn't have a heart at all - he felt guilty for what happened to Shalltear after all & crushed Clementine to Death because of what she did instead of just snapping her neck; you could tell it was personal - so sometimes I can relate to him, sometimes I can't, keeps it interesting...making me constantly re-evaluate him & my opinion of him. and hey, if you're the kind that wants a clearly good Main Character, just agree to disagree; at least we have fuel for discussions! 😉

Jesse Gallimore

Yeah in this world his insta-death build is unstoppable. In the game everyone had items and abilities to counter insta-death effects. Plus said spells didn't have a high success rate against high-level opponents. Here though... RIP to everyone.


or when you're done with Konosuba, you could start watching "Hataage! Kemono Michi", it's a new Anime, the LN is from the same author. It's basically: a pro wrestler gets summoned as a hero to defeat demon beasts, but instead opens the pet shop he wanted his whole life 😄


I think the phrase you were looking for was "the ends justify the means."

André Bessa

Maybe you didn't know, but de Ainz Ooal Gown was a PK, player Killer, guild made by monster e grotesque creatures, basic they were all evil at some point, from the point of view of the humans, Ainz has two main objectives protect all the member of the guild by strengthening the guild by all cost, and try to find if someone of their friends is in that world.

André Bessa

Ps. She is pregnant.

André Bessa

I commenting a lot because I view the video know, so Ainz love all the NPC's like his friend's child, but the point of view of the NPC's, Ainz is a merciful God who stays with them when their "father" abandon them. Shaltier and Albedo really are jealous about Ainz, Albedo is a Succubus, ( the demon species that use sex to devour de vital energy from their prey), because that she is so kinky. Shaltier is kinky because his "father" who likes all kinds of pervert stuff, when the NPC's came to live part of their personality came from how their fathers are.


*and mothers. A reminder that the guild did indeed have 3 female members, after all (Aura and Mare's "mother" was basically the best tank of the guild, as an Elder Slime speccing in dual shields)