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Of course we watch the intro :)

Lye Batenkaitos

Great reAction. By popular demand, can you do a double reaction next for episode 12 and 13. I think a lot of us steins gate viewers would appreciate that. You’ll thank me later, that’s ALL I’m gonna say haha


We won't hate you for saying that the best anime ever made is your favourite currently! It's merely a sign of good taste! And of course we watch the intro - skipping the intro of any anime is surely comparable to a criminal offence :)

Kevin Baker

I'll usually only watch (more than once) the OP's that I really like like En En No Shoubatai (Fire Force) and Carole & Tuesday's, these days. For your reaction vids though, I personally watch the whole thing.


Yep I watch the intro too!

Lye Batenkaitos

Hmm let’s just say you’ve reached the part of steins gate where you’ll be tempted to watch more than one episode sometimes ;)


Of course we watch the intro! And I'm sorry that we make you feel pressured on Overlord 😮 Anything we could do to take off some of that pressure you're feeling? And you don't sound like an idiot (even if you yourself think so 😜 ), it just sounds like you actually care about your viewers, so that's a + in my book, not a - . It's okay to have favourites; I really prefer morally ambiguous and/or philosophical shows, like TokyoGhoul or Psychopass that make you question your own worldview. You look as good as ever, but if letting out some emotions in your therapy made you feel better, it was a good session, it's a step in the right direction if you can open up to your therapist enough to let it all out 🙂 So you enjoy mystery books? Anything specific that comes to mind?


I am glad to hear you guys watch the intros. I think there is some good stuff in there sometimes lol. I do care a lot about you guys. I value your opinions and I genuinely want to guys to have a good time while watching these videos, while also hopefully getting some interesting perspectives out of it. Yes I love shows that make you questions your morals or works views. Attack on titans kind of did that for me. So did this show called west world. Check it out if you haven’t seen it! Yea it was a good session I think. I discovered some things about myself. It was enlightening. Yes I used to listen to a teacher read them to me in school every week. I don’t think I’ve ever taken it upon myself to read one. I have read books that have mystery elements but probably wouldn't qualify mystery novels themselves. If you have some suggestions I’m open to hearing them?


Knowing more about yourself is always good, even if you sometimes need time to process it...sometimes it seems like the person it's hardest to really get to know is yourself. I mainly read other genres...one exception that comes to mind was a book a friend lent me once, it was more of a supernatural-mystery-thriller, about investigating and uncovering different, connected murder cases that would have been impossible if the killer had only used conventional means...the reveal at the end was great, because it made perfect sense if you just had managed to connect the dots yourself (prefer that by far over having the author do an ass-pull just for the suprise effect)..but a) rightnow I couldn't name it with a gun to my head and b) it was from a lesser-known, european author, so I don't even know if it's available everywhere. Just got curious when you mentioned it and was wondering if you maybe could hint me at something I was missing out on 🤔 Concerning the picture Okabe got in the episode I think it was more of a warning like "stop that shit or else --->"


It's from Ple Ple Pleiades. Could you react to that series in the future after you are done with all of the Overlord? It's a lot more tame than the main Overlord anime, so you shouldn't be too frustrated with any evil characters.


The Intros are great. Useful for those who may of forgotten stuff too. So its like a great refresher and intro into the next episode. I for one with generally bad memory appreciate them a lot!


Nobody forgot about hacking the SERN. It happened. But when Daru hacked SERN the first time, he found out that there is a second data base, which is crypted. In order to decipher that they needed IBN-5100.

Samir Larras

The reason why I have a hard time empathizing with Makise's father is because he's a scientist. I feel like to a scientist coming to a correct conclusion should be more important than being right.


Exactly. While its not a bad point to empathize with Makise's father, based off her own regret-laden testimony, a true scientist should be more interested in be Truthful than being Right. That's what makes Makise different from her father - after a bit of hesitancy (more due to father/daughter drama than anything else) she's on board with these time travel experiments, and is all in on figuring it out. She can admit faults. Her father doesn't seem to be able to.

Reuben Filimaua

Great reaction :) yes Okabe is such a great character. I feel like the scene with Kurisu talking about her dad was slightly less effective than how it was written in the japanese. The japanese version clearly hinted at the possibility her father not only became verbally abusive, but physically as well to her mother. Maybe even Kurisu herself. Do you remember that scene earlier in the series, episode 5? Kurisu was terrified and began to cry when Okabe stood up and screamed in her face about not calling him Hououin Kyouma. She also had her hands blocking her face. The behavior and signs were all there. Her father is clearly not meant to be seen in a positive light at all.

Reuben Filimaua

The build up is phenomenal. People call the first half boring and slow. We wouldn't be as invested and emotionally attached to Okabe and the lab members if they didn't take their time telling the story and getting into their characters. Okabe is a good guy who tries to hide his embarrassments with the confident persona. I like that you get that about him. In times of extreme stress we see how he immediately drops the mask the moment his friends are in danger. Get ready to explore more of Okabe's softer and fragile side as the mad scientist slowly breaks away the further down the rabbit hole he goes. Can't wait for more reactions to this masterpiece of a series. Keep it up :)