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Your questions about some of the demon lords will be answered soon and about the grand master a bit later. Better avoid reading comments about them haha.


Shizue was 4 Years old, when she was summoned, making her over 75 Years old, her Body didnt looked like it thx to the Spirit Ifrit, but she got weaker and weaker and lost the Controll of Ifrit at the End. The Other Episodes up to EP24 are all great too, and they have announced the Season 2 for 2020. Btw if you want a List of Rimurus Skills, i can search them together if you interested ( All his Skills up to EP8 or EP9) Im the one who commentened under your newest Rising of the Shield Hero Ep11 Video with the Explanation about the Rage Shield etc. :)


How did you know she was 70? Was it something I missed


It was like always a detailed Information that you can only find in the Light Novels. It was stated in the LN, that Shizue was 4 Years old when the Air Raid Bombing from the US Airforce on Tokyo in the Night of March 9 / March 10 1945 happend. The first Volume of this Light Novel was released in 2014 in Japan, and the First Volume also ended with Episode 8. If you take the Year 2014, Shizue was 73 Years old. If you consider the Timeline of the Anime ( first Episode released in 2018) she would be 77 Years old.


Wow! That’s a lot of info to take in lol. Lots of people read the LN or manga for animes. Maybe I should start doing that. But then I feel like it would ruin my reaction! So I’m super conflicted in it


The best would be, to watch a Series completly, and then Read the Light Novels( In Case of the Slime Anime, after Episode 24, you should read the first 4 Volumes, and then wait for Season 2) Same with Animes that are based on Mangas. That way, you dont ruin your Reactions to a Series, and if you want to know a bit more about a Series afterwards, you can read the Original Sources. Light Novel based ones get often cut in Form of Worldbulding and such stuff. I did start to read Rising of the Shield Hero around 2 Months before the Anime started, so i know often what will happen. But sometimes they change some things, and also seeing it in Animated Form, with VAs and Music is a other Experience, even if you know what will happen.

Kewin Neves

I agree with Mahias, series first, LN later. In Overlord I already knew what would happen, in my head a lot of moments we're supposed to be epic because of how I pictured while reading. If you read the LN later you can find new info and create a better fantasy with the aid of what you already saw in the anime.