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Her quirk is super strong. Just like shigaraki said I wonder what her limits are, they’re almost set based on her imagination This season is gonna be amazing!

Ren Lichtfoot

Kinda like Gremmy "The Visionary" in TYBW arc. Really cool power!

Ren Lichtfoot

I think that sometimes killing is a saving grace. This is a bit long but...bare with me. Let's take the subject of narcissism for example. It's estimated that 70% of American society are narcs. There is an extreme form of this called NPD, it's a legitimate mental disorder and there is no cure. It's a form of psychosis in which a person will always seek to turn reality to their favor - even if they are blatantly wrong- even until the point of violence - or death. This is best illustrated as punching a baby in the face vs being punched in the face by a baby. A narc suffering from NPD wouldn't care about punching a baby in the face - period. They could pretend to care, because society tells them they should - but truthfully in their hearts, they could care less. The only way an NPD narc would care is if they themselves were punched in the face - even if the baby's punch didn't hurt them. They would, most likely do something in retaliation, usually in a way that makes them look innocent - so that they can get away with their revenge. Normal people realize how crazy this is but, not a narc suffering from NPD. This is compounded by the fact that NPD narcs tend to be terrible people in general. People who manipulate and abuse everyone around them. In short, they are terribly selfish and insecure people who can't conceive of a world that doesn't revolve around them. When they don't get their way, they grow irrationally sometimes insanely angry or violent. There's nothing that can fix this but recognizing their own insecurity and doing work to fix it. But, that never happens because , in order to deal with them, people have to create an echo chamber to appease their fragile psyche. I bring all this up to say, there is no cure for NPD - and Shigaraki is most likely suffering from it, due to One For All's influence. He thinks he's right regardless of the extremes he has to go to. It doesn't matter - he'll never stop. He's convinced he's the hero.