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I kind of feel bad for Jinwoo. The only person that cared about him is retiring. And we know that I don’t have a very high esteem for the D-rank rich boy. Now it seems that everyone is after him. Maybe I should not feel bad since it looks like he’s going to be ultra rich and powerful but still. Ok job-change quest might be interesting. The Friend girl is an E-rank. So if they keep things consistent she is outclassed and never going to be able to catch up. That makes me sad about this. She is an interesting character but I don’t see how she can be relevant when they put her as E-rank. I guess it’s bad for me to judge her on her rank but that the world they created. If they were doing D-rank raids or something but it’s well past Junwoo Level right now. Also buying all the C and only 1 person notice. Is like if he is disruptive enough to make things hard for the Tiger Guild, surely other people will notice. Ok I’ll have to admit Jinwoo's intimidation technique was well done and the answer to the offer. Double so you're willing to pay me 50 billion 😁. And the 200 millions a piece the other guy got owned. After episode I thought the Job-change is a in-game mode but I may be misinterpreting thing.I thought it is kind of a class change. Form unclass to warrior or mage or something. But I may be completely off base here. Ok Take Care 😋

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-18 15:54:21 I feel you on these points. I will say that "D-rank rich boy" is actually a good person though.
2024-03-17 15:01:45 I feel you on these points. I will say that "D-rank rich boy" is actually a good person though.

I feel you on these points. I will say that "D-rank rich boy" is actually a good person though.