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Sorry about missing Tuesday. Had the page about done, but decided it really needed another page before it... and ultimately turned into a double page.




So not only is this comic all about growing breasts, we now find out that the reason for growing breasts is to make better cowgirls? This is officially the best plot point of all time.


Aha! I KNEW IT! So they're gonna study her to see if they can get the desired results before they start turning themselves into immobile milking machines for life. It's ALL becoming clear finally.


Uh-oh. This makes some kind of sense, sure, but it's not clear how exactly could that work. I mean: Alexis boobs were supplied by “wide array of proteins, lipids, and other good stuff” intravenously when Alexis “asked to be a guinea pig” because it was impossible to deliver all that using traditional way: humans are just not designed to consume hundreds of pounds of raw feedstuff. But if the goal is to increase production of milk then the same problem arises anew! P.S. And before anyone asks: no, Alexis will not need to become pregnant for this experiment. Wet nurses induced lactation for thousands of years without pregnancy and even herbs are optional. Pure physical stimulation is enough. Usually herbs are used to increase milk production, though, and since this is the goal here… these are likely to be used. Of course Alexis may not know that at this point of time which could lead to a few funny scenes in the next few pages… P.P.S. Another question: if milk is so valuable in the LBSM universe then Than's wide spread of Boost could be a problem for Cowloon: this will make Cowloon's supply less desireable, right? Why Ysabel have participated in the whole scheme if it could mean that Cowloon could lose the financial solvency as a result???


That's the thing: BOOST as it is right now doesn't seem to increase milk production, only breast size. We haven't even seen it's effects on a Bovian(really need to have a proper name for them). Sure it would more than likely give them completely massive udders and breasts, but we've no idea what if it would actually increase milk production. Maybe the worlds supply of dairy cows all came down with some nasty damn virus and the only way around it was to produce a half human/half bovine race of peoples that eventually gained freedom and sovereignty over their own fates?(last part complete speculation, but how else do you explain an entire race of moo people?).


So wait, they're going to induce lactation in Alexis now and see if her BOOST'd breasts put out more? Hell they're probably do the same to Miriam since she's been BOOST'd too. Still, the Cowloonans(maybe?) despite their bovine nature don't seem to be that into body modification like the rest of the world we've seen thus far. They'd have to offer some damn good perks for volunteering to be an immobile milking machine the rest of your days. Or maybe even a reversal agent? The art is great without saying, but I especially like the little Rhea there. You should do more chibi characters, especially Than and Alexis.


We don't really know how exactly Boost affects people of different races, but at least some increase is to be expected. And even if not then the idea to first use Boost to increase breastmass thousands of times to only then try to actually increase amount of milk produced kind of makes no sense: why not see the effects using someone smaller… e.g. someone like Brenna Meyers… hmm… actually the whole thing will start making sense if that part was already investigated and now we are at the next stage where they want to make someone to grow as much as possible and to produce as much as possible to see what's the limit of this whole thing. Still does not explain how they plan to solve feeding problem: if they'll induce lactation only to find out that Alexis need intravenous injections to survive then the whole thing will just become a huge waste of resources…


Agree: little Rhea is cute. It's much better effect than “wall of text” or “talking head” effects which we've seen in such cases before.


It will be interesting to see how alexis will react to another dose of boost. At her starting size she might become immobile.


All milk is not the same. Why is breastfeeding children recommended? Among other reasons, human breast milk is specifically tailored to the needs of human babies. Likewise, one can make an assumption that cowgirl milk is identical neither to cow nor human milk. However, they are probably closer to humans than cows genetically (taxonomically maybe Homo sapiens taurus). To that end... maybe it's better nutritionally in general, or even as a replacement for baby formula. Milk in general does not need to be especially valuable in and of itself to be profitable-- there just needs to be an adequate demand at the price point necessary for production, just like anything that gets sold.


She's already immobile without her Atlas bra. Have you wanted to say something like “she'll become too large for Atlas gadgets to move”? Possible, but then it'll be kind of boring… I don't know why some people have this strange fascination with immobile pair of breasts (or four breasts and udder if we are talking about cowgirls). After such a move character stops being a subject and becomes an object instead… almost like a piece of furniture (as I already mentioned before: <a href="http://goo.gl/jWn1kj" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/jWn1kj</a> ). Of course if this problem is temporary and if mobility is eventully restored then this is different: there could be an interesting side-story where they will contact Atlas engineers to challange them, then there could be various hilarious troubles along the way and so on. But if the end result will be that Atlas guys ultimately fail to do anything then this will be a sad outcome…


But wouldn't human milk be even better replacement for baby formula? This will turn Than's shenangians with a Boost distribution into a direct attack on the profitability of Cowloon, isnt't it? One could invent some strange justification (e.g. if cowgirl milk is for some reason is better than human milk then it'll not matter if human milk becomes widespread as a result of Than's machinations), but then “Alexis experiment” will become kinda pointless as well: she's not a cowgirl and we could see and if cowgirl's are so unique then how could one transfer data from “Alexis experiment” to cowgirls?


I'm not sure why intravenous injections would automatically be a waste of resources. Any processing requires some input of materials-- how much you get out is related to how much you put in. Ultimately, you aim to turn low value stuff into higher value stuff (things like grass,oats,etc. into milk, or pollen, sugars into honey). If intravenously gives better processing efficiency, or another advantage (greater throughput, higher quality?) then it may prove useful.


I can't zoom on this page.The text is so small I can hardly read it.


The problem with intravenous injections is that it's not “low value stuff”. Stuff which is safe to inject intravenously is generally expensive. It must be specifically prepared, processed, etc. Even if raw materials are cheap their version suitable for use in such fashion is not. But yeah, sure, if you are producing something exceptional then this could make sense: in our world Toshiba have turned their relatively expensive clean room into a low-potassium plant factory and presumably does that profitably - goo.gl/pNfKik It's just not clear what could be so exceptionally valuable in a milk produced by Alexis.


Have you actually tried to look on full version of page? You'll need to open page in a new window (by clicking on the thumbnail above) and then there will be blue icon (with white stylized mountains) under said picture. If you click on it large version of page will be downloaded to your PC. They you could open it and easily read text because it'll be 3000x2232px picture, not 800x595px picture. That's just how patreon works, I'm afarid.


It worked;thank you.Now I hope Alexis tells Rhea to go run a marathon in her heels.


I don't really care for the chibis.An extreme closeup of the girls' faces as they speak makes them more imposing,especially if they're saying something important.

Sark Eset

Huh, so bit of a leap in logic, but Alexis' protein shakes are laced with boost because the cowgirl the milk comes from was using boost?


They were laced with something, it seems the cowgirls haven't been using BOOST yet on themselves. Further testing to see if it would actually increase production and to see if it's "contagious". It seems that either Alexis spiked her own products or was framed by Than through corporate espionage.


Doubt they'll give her another dose of BOOST at this point, even Than is hesitant to go that route and she's obsessed with size. They're probably gonna study the effects of BOOST on lactation, which means they're probably gonna ask Alexis if she wouldn't mind becoming a milkmaid :P


I don't think they want to turn Alexis into a milkmaid: as Than said “I doubt you'll be very effective waiting tables” and she'll be equally awkward if she'll try to milk someone. I think they are talking about wet nurse role (although direct breastfeeding is probably impossible in case of Alexis, too… unless they plan to breastfeed baby elephants or baby whales, that is).


Not a LITERAL milkmaid, I was only using some wordplay to denote her new role as a lactating test subject.


She could always offer Miriam as a test subject. Which will actually make more sense if they did no tests with lactation of BOOSTed breasts before. Of course it's kinda “kick the can down the road” solution: if experiment with Miriam will be successful then eventually Alexis will be asked to become a guinea pig again.


I doubt Alex would just offer up Miriam like that. Not only that, Miriam hasn't had the massive dosage and size that they're looking for, so unless they want to make Miriam just as big as Alexis(which I doubt, why waste resources making another hyper boobed woman when you already have one?).


The fact that “Miriam hasn't had the massive dosage and size” is exactly the reason to try her as the first “guinea pig”. Sure, Miriam could not produce as much as Alexis could but her upkeep will be much cheaper and if they'll find out that something does not work as it should then more expensive “Alexis experiment” could be postponed or abandoned.


Look, you see the cowgirl up there? I bet she has milk production equal or greater to a human woman Miriams current size. And Miriam isn't part of the package deal I don't think anyway, she basically came along to see Alexis off since she probably won't see her again for a while. Remember, Ysabel wanted Miriam to stay behind and act as a sort of spy on Than, probably for Cowloon to keep tabs on her.


It does not matter how much Miriam could produce. Mices used in experiments usually produce significantly less then cats, dogs, or, indeed, cows. Yet they are used singnificantly more often—because it's significantly easier to deal with them. And yes, sure, Miriam in not a package deal, but since she's already there… why not? Her agreement will be needed, sure, but as dimwitted as she is it'll be piece of cake. And Ysabel never even dreamed of using Miriam as a spy. It'll be stupid and pointelss. She talked about C.A.P.I.


@Khimru C.A.P.I. being left there by "him"self would be too suspicious and Than would be watching "him" closely, especially after "he" took over her figurehead. However, C.A.P.I. and Miriam together seems less suspicious and as of recently they have been fairly inseparable. Even when Miriam was hosting at Than's establishment, C.A.P.I. wasn't too far away and besides, C.A.P.I. ONLY listens to Miriam, Alexis would have to tell Miriam to give C.A.P.I. the orders for spying on Than.


There are no need to repeat to me what Ysabel once said. I remember that. My point was simple: woulda coulda shoulda does not matter. Miriam was NOT left behind and she IS here. Period. She's not spying on Than, thus she could be a guinea pig.


But she's NOT PART OF THE DEAL. She's working for THAN now, REMEMBER? ALEXIS was sold, NOT Miriam.


Miriam IS part of the deal. Not because she was sold, but because it's her choice. Recall page 53! Miriam joined Than's clique because the wanted to be with Alexis, not for any other reason. Now, when Alexis moved to Cowloon, she went with her. It's as simple as that. Sure, situation could have been different if Alexis asked Miriam to stay with Than and Miriam (or, rather, C.A.P.I.) have found a justification for this choice, but as it is now Miriam and Alexis are kind of “package deal”.


Yeah but Cowloon has no rights to her, she tagged along but is effectively a free agent. And we don't KNOW that Miriam came to stay with Alexis, I kind of doubt even with her devotion to her boss that she'd just up and leave all of her possessions behind and travel out of country for her, with nothing to her name but the clothes on her back and C.A.P.I. We'll find out for sure in the next few pages, point I'm trying to make is that Miriam is only visiting and definitely didn't seem too keen on the idea of being an overBOOSTed milking machine.


Sure, theoretically she's a free agent, but she only needs a dumb speach which will explain how BOOST will help humanity to bring era of spaceships and she'll be sold. Does not even need to be all that plausible, it seems.


Good point actually, they probably could talk her into it.