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I love this page. Alexis's boobs now are getting more screentime than her.


Is the name derived from Kowloon walled city. Clever reference for an autonomous city


No dawdling, huh… how does she imagine that? Miriam shirked her responsibility as a guide and if Ysabel will not take that role then Alexis will be forced to move using chasse steps to see anything in the direction she's moving to. This could be amusing but would most likely be slow…


So it's a self sufficient co-operated state... they must either have access to something REALLY valuable or produce something as much to stay self sufficient. And if I were to guess from the title "materfamilias", her position is something like a "family mother". If I were to wager a guess, this is a massive science lab composed of transhumans and they do the genetic research that allows the kind of modifications that we've seen in Ysabel and now Rhea, among others. Heh, an entire test tube filled with scientists that used themselves as experimental subjects. Oh well, I'm probably wrong on that whole "city of science run by the lab animals" angle. At least this place couldn't possibly be like Rapture...right?


"paterfamilias" is the Latin term for head of family - clan chief, sort of. The paterfamilias exercised legal control over everyone in his extended family.


It would probably feel insanely amazing to hug a boob that big. So jealous


Very nice page, but does anyone else find it funny Zdemian is making 1234.56 a month? <_<


This isn't terribly far off, but there is a significance to 'cow'loon.


Little late to the party. But I hope that isn't a bother! I'm glad this comic is bumping up into another arc. I was worried it would be concluding when we hit page 75. Glad to see there's a lot more to explore and learn about in this world. Rhea seems friendly enough. "Welcome to Cloud City!"