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Ooh, new character. Very nice.

Mason Dunne

Well, new doors to another chapter await!!


I love to see Alexis and Than being moved! I assume Miss Mountains - actually, her breasts - are on pallets. How about a couple of scenes of her being extracted by forklift and then moved onto a flatbed by crane? Wonderful art, thanks again.


Have you actually seen the comic? Why would anyone need pallets, forklifts, or crane if they have anti-gravity bras? One would assume that said bras have “shitty battery life” and could not be used by themselves to move Alexis, Hostess (Bunny?) or Than by thousands of miles (that's why plane was needed in the first place), but they should be more than powerful enough to unload Alexis from said plane. Probably even powerful enough to help her jog a couple of miles if needed.


I have one question about Miriam. How got Miriam her large breasts. I know on page 56 she has first aided herself accidentally with two boost patches but that has in my opinion not so great effects. We have also seen how Alexis is grown but miriam........ I don't understand. great comic keep it up :D And sorry for my bad english. A German here :P


Welp I wanna see more of this Rhea. Seems her and Alexis and Ysabel have some history together. Damn, you know what I'd LOVE to see? The effects of BOOST on one of these udder girls of yours? Is she based off of a deer of some kind? She's just got such a cute button nose.


“Not so great effects?” Really? Pages 12-13 showed what these patches could do. Brenna gained THIRTY EIGHT inches by applying just one patch per breast. Miriam was larger to begin with and she apparently was forced to apply patches to her left breast, too (page 69, “I'd rather be big than lopsided”). Add individual sensitivity to the mix and the end result is as shown.


Wow that's true that we haven't seen boost or patches or whatever used on the girls with multiple boobs or udders...