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“Where do babies come from?” a child asks. The mother hesitantly replied: “uh… w-well they come from storks.” Then a massively pregnant stork girl came flying over to make a delivery much to the shock of the mother.

The Producer

A Freemasons esque cult who’s members can’t understand how they’re being identified so easily (it’s the GIANT TITS). “Why you must be mistaken! I have no idea who the, what did you say they were again? The Holy Order of Bazzongahoogaroos?”


Colonial British cowgirl exploring ancient ruins


A girl who looks like a UFO but it’s really her just all inflated like a balloon but for some odd reason she is dressed like a UFO

Stelard Actek

Knowledge of the Ineffable Tittythulu leads to madness (and extreme hourglassification)

Tim A.

A guide points out a pair of famous and mysterious ancient monuments meant to honor a legendary queen. Of course, they just look like a giant set of tits carved into the side of a mountain…..


Midnight ritual being conducted by hyperpreg cloak-wearing druids at stonehenge!


Dr J has been captured in the Temple of Doomboobs, only shortround can save her!


A very orbular & spherical gal trying to get people to join their secret society by offering sexual favors.


"Tonight, on ‘Inexplicable Perplexities’… Rabbit women from the stars and their covert mission to use humans as breeding stock in their ever-expanding interstellar dominion. The frivolous notions of a few crackpot theorists, or do these bunny-eared conquerors already walk amongst us? I’m Roberta Stacked. Join me for this intriguing story and more, starting right now."