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When I saw the preview in my email I thought this was set in a college cafeteria, and the story would continue with whas-her-name enrolling as a student at their school. Hijinks would ensue. Here's hoping this isn't the end of the series.


Question: Is sketches 106 meant to be for 5$ patrons as some sort of exclusive or was there a mistake in posting?


Is the pink in her hair a dye job,or does that occur during pregnancy?Either way,that baby bump is probably going to grow to a size that would do Ra-En proud!




Ooh, this sounds like the page it could end on, but I really hope that's not the case! The invasion has only begun!


This "little" side-project has so much potential... Will they be a couple? (endless offspring supply ahead!) How will the breeder develop? How will the babys look like? What is the commander doing? Maybe calling more breeders because of the high potential on earth? AND of course, what is the plan of the bunny race? I'm like <a href="http://replygif.net/i/500.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://replygif.net/i/500.gif</a>


Of course she would be getting carrot cake!


A humourous development, and here's hoping this isn't the ending page. :D


...Wait, if her ears are the rabbit ones at the top of her head, what's going on where her human ears would be? Is it just smooth or something?!

Night Akula

Quickly becoming my most favorite series


Side note: That had BETTER be carrot cake she's holding.


Sketches 106 is actually a suggestion thread for 5$ patrons to give their input and possibly get their sketch done, if I recall. Everyone gets the sketch packages on release.


If this series does continue with these three (or just two) characters, it would be interesting to see how the rabbit-girls (does their species have a name?) conflate procreation with relationships. Do they mate for life (or at least try to), or do they put no emotional connection on coupling? In other words, is there some romance between her and the guy in store?


Seems silly for her to have human ears along with her rabbit ears.