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Mason Dunne

Oh but of course...


Wonder what she's got on him


Sooooo, he made a deal with Tilly to get his wife pregnant; and to get her pregnant Tilly made a deal with her knowing she'd welch on the payment (18 years of her life) and now she's super preggers. Tilly is far more devious than she's let on in the past. I wonder what his payment is. This seems like some 'Felix Faust' level stuff here.


why do i know already that this deal won't work out as expected as well ...?


Ra-En never had it this bad!


My guess it would be an initial payment plus a bonus, the first like where he knocks her up so she's pregnant again and 'reloaded' but mayhaps makes the Lord sterile as a result. Though, then again, that would be some bad P.R. on Tilly's part. ...I just wonder if she has apprentices, novice witches not seen in the coven who act as 'baby banks' for Tilly in exchange for tutoring and room and board.


That tricky witch played BOTH sides...Baba Tilly is a LOT nastier than her cheery disposition lets on. I no longer trust her.


Well played, Baba..well played~


Treading some murky waters here, but what if Tilly took her 'price' out of all those soon-to-be newborns? They wouldn't notice until much later, and Tilly would get her a hefty 'bonus' as it were.