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Everyone’s favorite planet conquering redhead is back, baby!


the glowing blue eyes look familiar oh the vampire story


Would love to see a sequel to this! ovo


I think, technically, the first "Something" series from 2017 Oct-Nov is actually the sequel to this.


Z, just a heads up, the tag has "Space" misspelled as "Spac". Also, great job! Love this character, and your mini comics


:l is this another guy grow breasts?


Could be, but nothing good comes from trying to railroad an artist's creativity. Let Z draw what he's feelin', and if it's not something you personally enjoy, just wait patiently for it to come around again. This isn't a case of 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' or 'the customer is always right' because we pay for this. Too many comments like this could kill his desire to create, and nobody here wants that.


Oh this is wonderful! love the tg and that nice lip expansion

strange lights

for a second i thought he was being hit with raw, unfiltered tame impala

Mason Dunne

Well, at least they where wearing PPE, they can always claim workman’s comp!


Thank you so much for pointing that out! :D Now I want to see even more of this lovely series!

Richard Handy

Well now this was very interesting. Creative, clever use of color and gradients, and of course a towering final page.


Wow this lore is getting very deep! Here's hoping to more instalments.


This short definitely offers a new perspective on the nature of "The Something". In this case it would appear that it is a class of parasitic hivemind, that similar to the Borg has a "go-to form" that serves as the alien consciousness's physical representative. With the busty redhead being the something's "will/voice made flesh."


Fantastic spin on Lovecraft! This is one of my favourite stories!