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Mason Dunne

Chimera girl, I'm wondering if her face is even part of her now or if it's vestigial! Really awesome!!!


Chimera girl always cracks me up with her bored expression. "Yea, yea, you're just playing into the oppressive bioliarchy with your sense of 'body', chained to the medieval and backwards evolutionary sense of identity. Wake up to bio-surrealism, which is more true to the universe than you ever will be. Or you can keep on choosing to be organo-standard human."


Ha! This is a good line, exactly her thoughts on the matter, I'm sure.

Clark Nova

Always happy to see Mad Doc pop up.


Okay I think it's time the bodymodder scaled it back a bit...she has a face on her mouth...

Darth Cabbage

Not gonna lie, i still love the chimera teen even like this.

The Producer

Chimera girl has experimented a lot with her species but not her sex. I'd love to see her start experimenting there. The only other real question I have is "Does she have a part time job?"


I like the idea of the chimera girl being forced to go to a mod rehab and having it totally backfire. Instead of conforming to her parents' image of her she hits it off with another attendee.