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If anyone's interested, I've started playing WoW again, and I'm seeing if there's enough folks in the community to put together a guild to eventually raid in Legion.  

There's a couple folks from the chounyuu.com discord, and if anyone here wants to, leave a comment.  More info on server, faction, times etc. we'll flesh out if there's enough interest.



Sounds interesting to me. =3 Currently I main Alliance, but my times are odd due to a late swing shift. xD Thank you for sharing Zdemian! ^_^


I have some interest, but probably not enough to actually participate. Maybe see if I can trick one of my friends into hooking me up with the game. So, I guess if someone's keeping track of this, they can put me down as like, one fourth of a person.


Im in too ill be making my demon hunter 1 am on the 9th.


I am a paladin tank of 7 years, raided as a US top 50 guild in vanilla and BC, US 16th tankadin in WOTLK. Been raiding on and off since then once my guild went casual in cataclysm. Sounds like it could be fun!


I am a horde guardian druid. I havent raided seriously since WotLK however my guild peaked by beating pre-nerf Archimonde in BC which put us at 23rd US at the time. Sen'jin server


just name the server and faction.


Forming a guild of like-minded deviants...sounds too good to be true. Wish I still had the time to make sub-based stuff worth it, or I'd totally sign up!


Horde Mage, reporting for duty


I'm down.


I am down for It... I am shadow Priest,,,,


I no longer play WoW, but I know a bloke who still does: Doom-san / Bellydoom on DA. I'll let him know of your idea and put in a good word if he's up for it.


I would be down to join but I play on my friends account and don't have a max lvl character xD

Sam Hain

I got me plenty o' characters. 1 max level alliance, 6 max level horde. I'd be down to join up.


Apparently I waited too long, the instant invite expired.