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This would probably become clear as the comic goes on, but I thought this little supplementary thing would be helpful for astute and interested readers.



Mason Dunne

Now that's a catalogue worth browsing, wonder if they offer a drag and drop try-b-4-buy fitting room


Z, I really do love how much thought seems to go into your stories, no matter how small they are. It's quite admirable.


Now the only problem is the awkward moment when you meet with somebody who ordered the same product. Like showing up in the same dress, but with curves!


Gives new meaning to the phrase "buying off the rack" for sure!


I'm really liking the spokeswoman.Anybody can like the body parts on display,but she's the complete package deal!


More and more intrigue. I initially thought that they might be catering towards potted women, but I'm more confident that this is a scenario where the line between modded humans and androids has become too blurred to tell the difference. Blade Runner by Zdemian? I'm hopeful.