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I'm going to be redoing the pledge tiers/rewards soon.  I was contacted not too long ago by patreon that raffles are against TOS, so pushing me to finally change it.  I have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear if there's anything in particular you would be interested in seeing in terms of tier rewards.  Leave a comment, if you please.

Also, apologies on the slow going with updates, I've been sick pretty much all week.



Some pin-ups of characters from "Let's Burn Some Muscles" would be great to see again. Along with plenty more the Demon Empress. When will the changes be made? Do get well soon Z.

Stelard Actek

So they're interpreting suggestions as a raffle? That's unfortunate. Also, get well soon.


No, there was an actual raffle for commissions. I've already removed it so patreon doesn't suspend my page.


8 years of patron and never won the raffle lol. But for serious, some of the other common ones I see on other pages are more ‘in progress’ streams of in progress commissions.


Whew, thank goodness it's about raffles; I was worried you had realized how little you were charging us!

Night Akula

I hope you feel better soon!


A blanket 5-10% discount on commissions for patrons is a perk I see pretty regularly.


Simple WIP images nothing to grand just little bits for when you are going to have a long stretch between postings would be nice


First take it easy and get well. I don't know if you have one and I never looked but a archive of works maybe?


Hope you feel better soon!


Hah, gosh you know, I knew that raffle thing had been there, but I wasn't sure if it was still an active thing. I suppose I wasn't sure if they were happening because I'd never seen them posted on Patreon. I'm guessing until now you just took the 900 or so patrons and chose 2 at random each month?


Discount on commissions? Maybe sketch requests and let people vote on final art to color?


It was 2 from the $5 tier ~200+ people. Part of the issue is a bunch basically went unclaimed, but because there are new ones each month, can't really effective roll them over. I've wanted to change it for a while, but I mostly just dragged my feet.


Request Streams would be neat to see again. Beyond that, perhaps a 'choose your own adventure sort of B&W Comic where patrons would be able to vote on what direction the story goes? And get well soon! :D


Can’t say anything about the tiers others haven’t said…. Although a new edition of Lets Burn some Muscles would be welcome


I like the idea of a choose your own adventure comic, that would be a cool interesting way to interact with the community


Hope you do get to feeling better soon! As for suggestions... maybe bringing back sketch streams but make them more exclusive sort of events?


Sorry to hear you've been sick! The content hasn't suffered if that's any help, but please get the rest you need if you need it! The lewds can wait!


Maybe access to streams of you drawing the weekly sketches?


I like the idea of a proper archive of all your work to date. Would make scrolling through patreon to find something older a bit easier. Get well soon, Z~


Get Well soon! You could make like 3-5 slots, there the owners can create a side character for the current Comic. Nothing too fancy, a character description in 2, 3 sentences and a reference pic or two. The character appears in at least 3 panels, one in full view. Something like that. Beside that i like the current slot model. Maybe there could be a commission discount for patreon supporters, as others already mentioned :3


Hope you feel better soon!

Richard Handy

Sorry to hear about your health! Wish you'd said something sooner.


If you don't want to overthink it you can replace the raffle pics with 'community voted' pics (maybe selected from unused 'request' suggestions) - that's what other creators I follow do. Other than that, it would be nice if more of your commissioned work was shared here - provided the commissioner agrees of course - maybe something for the higher tier. Overall I'm very happy with it as it is now tbh :) Hope you feel better


Maybe booba practice. Feel better soon!

The Producer

What about a choose your own adventure comic with poll options every week?