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Mason Dunne

So she's a walking magical Chernobyl!


Oh hey it's the girl who lost her boobs from the last story!


I'm thinking more a big boob/penis/whatever version of Oprah. YOU get big boobs, YOU get big boobs, EVERYBODY GETS BIG BOOBS!


Yeah, and they have gotten larger (almost twice their original size) after she got her boobs back


Makes me wonder if the people exposed and affected by the original magic go on to spread it to other people. Seems like that's maybe the case with Mr. Halliworth causing Victoria to get bigger boobs. Would Victoria then cause others to transform too?


I love that she's been unintentionally causing growth in others. Could it be that she gave the centaur in "what a horse needs" that little boost shown in the last frame?


Don't think so, otherwise that centauress would probably have gotten bigger boobs. Halliworth was already under the effects of a bad potion, her touching him caused the reaction while the housekeeper got covered in his sperm thus also being "infected". Then again, it's magic ain't gotta explain sh*t.