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Oooh, sexy beetle woman! I approve.

Darth Cabbage

Oh! I love the Chimera teen so much!

The Producer

I know it isn't a "phase" but I wonder where she'll end up. Especially since she's now embracing "mammalian" genetics.

Mason Dunne

"Completely Mammals" that's one of the best declarations I've heard in a while!


Is there any chance you can put Delta G on your blog?


Have we seen her before?

Mason Dunne

You know, I can't help but think, why hasn't the mom suggested she add an udder instead of having to go out for milk?

Darth Cabbage

The daughter could easily make this the perfect opportunity to add an udder. It's entirely possible that she never thought of it before.


If she's still got a dolphin for a but/tail I shudder to think what the "creepy" parts looked like.

Darth Cabbage

I am just on mobile right now, so I'm not going to go back to try and find the link where we see what she looked like before. But a simple description is that she was a lot more tame than she is now. She had a scorpion tail, some ssssexy snake arms, and canine legs. For her head she only had the one horn, and I believe just some pointed ears. At least that's all I can remember.

Darth Cabbage

Okay, found it way back in sketches #37. the first time we saw our rebellious chimera teen was in image 150811 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-37-3207657">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-37-3207657</a>

Darth Cabbage

Yes, back in sketches #37 image 150811 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-37-3207657">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-37-3207657</a> she was pretty tame in comparison to how she is now, but I love her new look!


I'm so glad we get a come back of the chimera girl, bigger and better than ever. It'd be cool if she bumped into another mod enthusiast on the way to/from the store and the two hit it off.

Night Akula (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:42:30 I like to think I helped inspire that tail &lt;3
2016-05-17 22:51:46 I like to think I helped inspire that tail <3

I like to think I helped inspire that tail <3