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DIMPOL agents have become so accustomed to Ranger Eri-chan's shenanigans that many now barely even acknowledge when her "left overs" provide some unexpected breast expansion when out in the field. DIMPOL Agent: "And then, ma'am, before being vaporized by the orbital cannon, how many tentacles-" *BOOM!* a nearby mine "forgotten" by Ranger Eri detonates. Causing the two ladies' already very ample chests to double in size. The agent remains unmoved, despite her uniform in shreds, and her massive breasts now nearly big enough to touch the ground. While the alien lady she was interviewing is meanwhile, dazed and laying on her back, her own expanded chest practically smothering her. DIMPOL Agent: "Right... So anyway, how many tentacles would you say the creature had?... Ma'am?... uh, ma'am? Alien Lady/witness: "W-why me..."

strange lights

the not impressed meme but she's making the face at her tits which are you know, bigger than a house or something etc stuff writes itself