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And back to the fun times... since the weather here has turned, let's do some springish-time stuff.... begin!




Hmm, how about a female humanoid plant drinking or being watered and her breasts have become massive from storing the water? =o


Spring is the time for new life to come forth. So I would think pregnant bellies would be appropriate.


Gardening sure is awkward with massive anything.

Coco Wren

Do space bunnies celebrate Easter?


The newest spring fashions


Spring time for Space Bunnies.


Clearly we need some plant girls ready for berrification via pollination by some honeybees. Not that the multiple suggestions for bunnies aren't worth merit. Chocolate bunnygirls, ready to lay some eggs full of Easter treats, perhaps?


Wasn't there a sunflower girl from Conker Bad Fur day? she was known as the lady with the big breasts I believe, and the bee's tickled her to reveal her breasts.


A muscled cowgirl in overalls hard at work pulling a plough through the earth for new crops. A pudgy bear girl waking up from hibernation, dozily crushing the alarm clock that woke her up. Miriam dressed up in a bee costume carrying a huge pot of honey that has spilled a little as she's struggled with it. CAPI joins in the buzzy fun too.


Dryads, Wood Nymphs and other spirits of the woods waking from a long winter's nap.