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Don't know the character, but I prefer when you draw non-gigantic boobs!


She looks awesome, I wonder if she will also get a comic


Well those are still pretty damn massive, plus she's packing supersized ass and a package that would would make a horse look small.

The Producer

Getting a post apocalyptic vibe off of this one. I like it.


Yay! Always nice to see some futa. I like the colors.


Is that a package or an udder?I also like the boobs that are not so gigantic;she must keep them small by burning off a lot of calories in the desert.It looks like her ass packs enough horsepower to tow an 18-wheel tanker out of a salt marsh! She has yellow eyes;is she a descendant of Than Dall?


She travels the wasteland, plowing maidens for supplies, and blasting raiders for loot. Only needs a blue-heeler pup to complete this awesome pic. :D


I rate Ira 10/10 for those absolutely unconscionable hips! The ultra hourglassed wastelander is packing heat in all possible ways and looks ready to ruin someone's day. I hope we get to see more of this road warrior, great job with the gritty texture!

Mason Dunne

Aaah… I see her leg has a cybernetic replacement, nice detail to Max's own leg brace.