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I can't tell if it superhero here feels bad for interfering, or wants to see if she'll grow more herself.


Lol, hopefully this time GG won't interfere and makes your our littlest mad scientist gets what she wants. But in the mean time I'm sure she's enjoying bit of being cradled in GG's huge tits.


Probably is concerned that if she breaks this machine she'll grow again.


I'm only now noticing GG has freckles, that's adorable. And mmfff always love some tentacle action. God yes.

Richard Handy

I kind of like the fact the superhero has sort of joined the group by proxy at this point.


What is going on?


Best I can tell; The Mad Scientist has confirmed that her invention has again missed their intended target of her expansion rays. And so has now dispatched one of her robotic enforcers to collect all parties present to bring back to her lab. Additionally, the Superheroine, G.G. has decided to see how this plays out rather then destroy the robot most likely due to her concern that damaging it might release more expansion rays, which she would no doubt be the recipient of.