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Mason Dunne

Vaguely reminds me of Battlestar Glasctica's RAZOR series : "As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew in ways uncertain. All this has happened before and will happen again." Zdemian, I gotta start reading all these references you keep slotting in, gotta be more ecliptic in my literature trivia!


No, he's right, it's Closing Time by Semisonic.


No download link?


The End Is Nigh!


Well maybe Than has something else planned? Maybe? Or we probably won't find out until next chapter since this seems as much like a send off for her this chapter as possible.


I gotta say I'm digging Than's mature and humble attitude right about now. It's a great look for her.


That car they're in must be as wide as a parade float to everyone to fit in comfortably!Than Dall's facial features are getting to be more like those of Alexis!Where's the sinister-yet-fun-loving-femme-fatale visage we've all come to love?!


Well he's in heaven, leaning back into those bosoms.


The “end of the beginning”, hopefully. It'll be pretty lousy story with some many questions left in the air. But looks like our two main heroines would go their own separate ways for awhile… or maybe Zdemian will just do a thing which many authors are doing and next chapter will start X years in the future. Make your bets for the value of X!


I think Than was as caught up in her own golden cage as everyone else. Once she went down a certain path she had no means to radically change her path without outside influence: certain people had certain expectation and she was too invested in her various schemes to just suddenly stop. Now… she's suddenly free. Freer than a lot of guys in fact: some bum on the street could be free from all the obligations but s/he's free from the money, too! Than have left pATAgon in reliable hands of Alexis and Rhea (given what we see in this car I guess she would have been able to coopt “Moarcraft guy” to reverse the change of CEO if she really felt that it's important), she has money, she has time… suddenly she have gotten a chance to start anew. As Steve Jobs have put it: “I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.” Only time will tell what she'll to do her life now…


Still,it's a waste of a perfectly good villainess.Who else is gonna have that skill of manipulating peoples' lives for the sole purpose of her own amusement,all while still coming off as dreamgirl material?I want her to be nasty and scheming.Maybe she'll find a boyfriend that way.


Also,i want her glasses back on.Show the world she's as much a huge mass of brains as breasts.


I kind of agree that Than was good villainess (and any good story need an antagonist), but now I guess it's time to move on… we still have absolutely no idea what Feds are planning, but I guess that's where the next villain will come from that direction… or may be some disappointed customer from the good old “the only advertisement for that place is word of mouth”?… There are plenty of skeletons laying around… As for boyfriend… I dunno… it's clear that there's something between Than and “Moarcraft guy”, Annabel is also somehow involved (I don't think paragraph says anything about her fate yet she's still with Than, not with Alexis)… we've only seen tiny glimpses of Than's personal life… could be a good side-story… will help us to clear out the resolution of the whole thing… I mean: who decided to stay with the pATAgon? Who went with Than? These kinds of things…


Well, it's moved from the books to song thus they both are right… but these books are two thousand years old, who reads them in these days and age?… Than Dall does, apparently…


I'm still wondering about the whole change in angle that made this comic so fun in the beginning. I can't complain on all the growth angles (^_^), but I kept wondering about the way things could have turned out if the styling stayed the same.


Honestly it could go either way with her, lol. But yeah, she's looking great and more interesting than she was before. I kind of want to see where she'll go next.


I just like the Semisonic reference


I was more amused by the fact that Than haven't tried to cite Semiconic, LOL. That one dialogue of half-dozen bubbles says us more about Than and “Moarcraft guy” (will that guy ever get a name?) than previous chapter did.

Mason Dunne

I was curious about that too, I think patreon ate it or it got omitted


It will be a reboot with their great great grandchildren in the future!


I hope not. THAT would be entirely pointless. Zdemian have painted himself into a corner (Alexis needed to win yet her reckless rush was more-or-less hopeless), brilliantly resolved it (even Than lovers howled yet accepted the outcome as entirely believable) and to now just go and throw it all away? Why? Also: “great great grandchildren in the future” sequals suck almost 100% of time. I've seen dozen of these and they all are pale shadows of the original. Perhaps there are good sequels like these, but I've not seen these (except for epic sagas where story is from beginning not about particular characters or their interaction, but about clans, epochs, etc… LBSM is not like that…)