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That explains a lot...my money has Mel being her bimbo servant


Hahaha. Damn, the bikini bottom on this Blume program can't even get halfway up her cheeks. Fuck that's good. I get a feeling Mel is gonna be acting like a complete bimbo dumdum.

The Producer

Heh heh, of course this is what the AI doesn’t in their downtime.


This was a great thing to see. AI Blume and the Chief are looking very hot right now. Can't image what Mel is gonna be doing, but I'm sure it will be a wonderful surprise.


Nice booty shot~ Though, the sun being a loading sign is funny as hell. :)


Ah this is great, the one place she can get Busty and Booty to do what she wants them to.

Richard Handy

Very cute and creative.


It seems the Chief has a soft spot for her most troublesome of subordinates... Or is just fantisizjng about them _not_ being troublesome and being helpful instead.

Mason Dunne

Mel... well chief was always one upping her in size in the rack department, whose to say digital Mel is just a flat washboard pool hand?