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Just an FYI, fanart requests have a very small likelihood of being done. 




Hmm… So now we are moving to spiders? Isn't that niche occupied by Evil Spinnerette ( <a href="http://goo.gl/L5Mdqy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/L5Mdqy</a> ) already?

Darth Cabbage

The Drider from set 23(150426) as a mother to thousands of now hatched drider babies, pregnant/laying another thousand or so eggs. Or maybe have a few of her offspring having a "but MOooom" moment, with her just looking exasperated.

The Producer

So just spiders? Or Arachnids as well? I'm imagining a sit down between a Drider and scorpion woman, each being very nice and cordial with each other. The Scorpion woman might make some jab about the Drider woman's absent husband.


Alma's Awakened Form from Ninja Gaiden Sigma might be interesting to see.


Rachnera from Monster Musume no Ichirou tying CAPI to her really huge breast with her spiderweb


Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Then along came a spider, who tried to sit down beside her, and said "Hey fatass! A little curds go a long way!"


Well, how about a sexy Muffet from Undertale?


A busty woman freaking out about a spider landing on an out-of-reach place on her boobs, and the poor spider hanging on for dear life as she swings about. A drider and a cowgirl role playing a roundup. The cowgirl is naked with a cowbell around her neck and the drider is kitted out in rustler attire, about to lasso the cowgirl with her web. A spider girl (normal girl, but has six arms, fangs and spider-like eyes) just out of the shower and getting ready for work. She's standing in front of the bathroom mirror, drying her hair, brushing her teeth, putting on deodorant and checking her phone. So many arms so efficient.


Yeah, see that web? That's not silk. That's jizz.


The art-deco murals in the lobby were paeans to the nation's noble virtues: hard work, determination, honesty, loyalty... and massive, swollen fertility.