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Mason Dunne

No words. Okay, Alexis is either passed out or in a stupor. And I'm wondering if she's suspended in the air off her feet or underneath it all in some way.


Gentlemen, we have deflation. It has come to pass.



Clark Nova

How does it feel to be able to sit normally again, Than?


than is big as a couple of trucks and she looks TINY


Holy shit, no wonder Than had that look on her face.


hmm she looks larger than alexis was (prior to this) and their general lbsc sizes. i'm left wondering how much larger alexis is compared to than's max size. hard to tell ;D

Darth Cabbage

Amazing! These pages were someone had gone up in size have always been my favourites. I really hope that Alexis will stay at least at this size(and possibly go bigger in the future) but it's kind of difficult to see her continuing to be the main character at this size(and possibly beyond) Well anyways we shall find out soon enough.


Deflated ego? :D


Alexis is now too big for protagonist-ing. Than is now protagonist, and the next six chapters will be her quest for vengeance, which will end like this only with Alexis empty and on the floor.


Come on: they both have a figureheads. Alexis one is natural-enough looking to be mistaken for a real person (remember otakon2006 confusion when it was first presented?) and this is the world where even more obviously-artificial creatures are freely roaming on the streets (remember Su-Z Q?). Alexis could be protagonist but I'm pretty sure Rhea will continue to call the shots: Alexis is VERY big gal now, but she still does not have the CEO mentality, sadly. Any Than revenge will need to wait if she still wants to see Patagon standing in a few years… well, she could just quit and go build another competitor instead but somehow it does not look likely to me: Than is no quitter! She could do that later, but at first she will try to do something here!


Well, kinda. Than have outplayed herself here. She could have stopped Miriam and/or hovercopters. She could have arrested Miriam when she tried to bring “unauthorized materials”. As the head of Patagon she could have stopped this in dozens of ways. Instead she decided to experience the rush of rapid expansion and prove that Alexis couldn't do anything no matter what to sweeten her victory… and miscalculated. Alexis haven't won, Than have lost. That's what makes the whole story believeable… and sad. I REALLY have hoped that Alexis have grown over all this years as person, not just physically, but apparently she's still the same clueless fitness trainer Rhea have befriended all the years back… I fear for the fate of Patagon in her hands! Rhea could only do so much, there would be times where Alexis will need to do decisions quickly, after all…


Well, dramatic “Alexis-vs-Than”-style battles have their appeal, sure, but I actually like more “mundane” pages. Something like page 79 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/EgPkwM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/EgPkwM</a> ), page 114 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/FJbmtU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/FJbmtU</a> ), or, heck, even “Black Out” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/CqXZs0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/CqXZs0</a> )… pages where huge breasts are not the direct focus of the story but just “played around” in some way. “Sorry for the trek… but the upper levels weren't designed with YOU in mind”, LOL… Side-stories where Patagon citizens are acting outside of Patagon would be especially interesting (have Than ever visited conference in a “normal-sized” land while she was “the President of Patagon”, for example?). I understand that such “distractions” are, by necessity, rare—they don't really move the story forward—but, well, they help us to see how this while world is working with all these characters there…

Mason Dunne

Thinking about it, Alexis never had a clear motivation to be the biggest. She was mostly pushed by somewhat economic reasons (Proise Fitness and related media) and simply to beat Than. She had no real personal gains to actually be the biggest, which is a step away from Than whom it manifested as a form of personal vanity and self aggrandizement. I think, Alexis may not even care to be so big. I have a feeling she would downsize. I mean she did accomplish the objective right? Why be so big anymore? Than can go frolic with Mr. Moarcraft, and Alexis can ease in to being a proper CEO with Rhea.


What fate awaits Than Dall now?Execution?Servitude?Maybe she'll just have to settle for a much smaller following of mindless slobs looking to worship her.


Only Zdemian knows—and he's not telling. NOW the story becomes really interesting again. V and VI chapters have brought story to a very tight spot where everything was predictable (even the ploy of Than would attempt to steal from Alexis and fail was actually planned well in advance as we could see now). Now, when that is behind us there are huge number of possible directions story could move on. I'm not sure if Feds could just go and throw Than to jail (if they have a solid evedence to prosecute her then why would they need this crazy coup d'état?), but they sure as hell have SOME plans. Rhea also have some plans—but we have idea what they entail precisely. Oh, and Than, most likely, have some backup plans of her own (or, at the very least, some guys who are “friends of Than” and not “friends of the biggest boobs” like the “Moarcraft guy”). IOW: there are many, MANY hidden parts behind the curtains which only Zdemian knows about—and they would surely be revealed now. We could only sit tight and wait.


What would be hilarious is that while Alexis might be more "good natured" then Than Dall it turns out that she has no clue how to manage and run what is essentially a Corporate City-State. A lot of good hard-working people might be finding themselves out of a job very soon!


You've forgotten about Feds. I don't think they would just leave Alexis alone. They would want to close down the Patagon one way or another… the biggest middle-term question is: would there be two factions (Feds and Alexis+Than in a temporary truce) or three (Feds, Alexis-led faction, and Than-led faction). Both possibilities could be interesting, but they are, of course, quite different.


Possible but unlikely. Alexis may not know how to run a city-state but Rhea is more then qualified. Of course since it's not HER city-state thus some at least short-term tension is guaranteed, but I wouldn't worry TOO much about it!


Excuse me while I go cry... :( Than is still the best. I'm just happy she's not totally deflated although she's seemingly lost quite a bit of perk. Now we just need a Than training montage to one up Alexis. Maybe this setback forces her to go back to researching Boost or some other non-saline way to expand? I just don't quite get how Than let Capi and Alexis get the better of her so easily. I mean, I get it- hubris and all- but its not like Alexis had some masterful plan, she just had Deus Ex Capi to turn the tables on Than in a pretty straightforward way. You'd have thought Than would have done something with Capi before all this? But that just kind of gets to where I've never been real sure as to why Than really abducted Alexis in the first place and seemingly encouraged her to keep growing, especially if Than had no contingency plan for someone outgrowing her, thus taking over Patagon, unless we're just chalking that up to hubris too. Unless Than does have some ace in the hole and that's coming up in the next couple pages but I'm not expecting that at this point. We don't even know for sure if Alexis is done stealing away Than's boobs yet for that matter.

Mason Dunne

On a side note, I'm surprised no ones asked, will Alexis hit the actuall glass ceiling? And now I'm really intrigued on how transportation will be resolved. Will a new form of heavy lift craft be developed? Will the experimental Atlas "gloves" be a form of hand bra or a multiplexed system of anti-grav bras be jerry rigged toghether? Or is the whole building a craft of some sort, purposefully built for this? I'm just asking. We've only seen Alexis get moved around, what has Than used to shuttle herself?


Are we even reading the same comic? THAN WAS SURE ALEXIS WORKS ALONE. Remember that Than somehow missed the fact that she herself sent Alexis straight to Cowloon (she talked about “non-local sponsors”, she had no idea who EXACTLY they are: <a href="http://goo.gl/EGzunq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/EGzunq</a> ), Ysabel was very careful not to reveal the fact that Than sent Alexis straight to her friend, Rhea ( <a href="http://goo.gl/M2AQmO" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/M2AQmO</a> ). Remember that it's not enough to just outgrow Than! Majority (supermajority?) of shareholders still need to accept the change! And said majority is impossible without either Than or “Moarcraft guy” approval! THAN WAS SURE SHE HAS TIME. She was sure that worst case scenario she would need to organize comeback in a period of a few days till said emergency shareholders' meeting could be organized, she had no idea that meeting is already in progress! Don't say that than had no contingency plans! She HAD them… just not enough of them… Coup d'état was carefully orchestrated. Sure, Alexis almost bombed her part (but was saved by C.A.P.I.) but that's because Than had no idea that it's real, carefully orchestrated attempt, not typical Alexis expromt. As for how and why C.A.P.I. was able to circumvent the protective measures of Patagon… looks like we'll see the side-story…


Alexis looks not even close to the glass ceiling, but the big question: are building openings large enough to let her out? Or, perhaps, she did what she did (arrived empty, then filled herself up) specifically because it was impossible to move her or Than out? And, well, I've not asked these questions because somehow I'm sure Zdemian have asked himself, too—and answers would play a role in the plot. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rhea's explanation on the next page with something like “we needed Than not just smaller than Alexis, we needed her small enough to be transportable out of that building, you see… our plan worked perfectly, don't you think?”… or that could be just a wishful thinking. Anyway: Alexis is not THAT large. She's about 2.5 times heavier that Than was before the coup d'état. I'm pretty sure “moarcraft guy” would rise to the challenge. She couldn't be transported by air (way too heavy even for A380), but ground ( highly exceptional-load style, of course: <a href="http://goo.gl/9K1QRA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/9K1QRA</a> ) and boat (where said load wouldn't be even considered all that high) are still available. Heck, if Patagon is near the ocean then said load wouldn't even be considered all that high. 20'000 TONS is something one would consider “heavy” for sea transportation, not 100'000 stone ( <a href="http://goo.gl/y9Ce12" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/y9Ce12</a> ) Also: Alexis does not have that unhealthy fixation on size of her breasts. She could be just drained (fully or part-way) and then moved by a few airplanes, if needed. This looks less like travel of a person and more like engineering operation, though, not sure if Zdemian will choose that option or not.


All I have to say is Than has TERRIBLE firewalls letting a cheating robot get though.


Not particularly. Most enterprise firewalls in our world are not designed for the APT ( <a href="http://goo.gl/J8RWPq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/J8RWPq</a> ), and are circumvented regularly (even military contractors are known to be breached). C.A.P.I. just does that faster than humans. And you reaction is just amusing. I mean: if Than's hacks of “Prois Fitness” security are a good sport then what's wrong with C.A.P.I.'s hacks of Patagon security? Well-deserved payback if you ask me: Than likes to hack and cheat and is usually amused when targets are complaining—well, here she have gotten a dose of her own medicine. P.S. It would be amusing if the breakage was possible somehow because of Than's carelessness (similarly to how “Prois Fitness” was hacked because of Alexis' carelessness: <a href="http://goo.gl/H86ggM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/H86ggM</a> ). This would make the whole situation really symmetric and would be well-deserved payback.