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That's a lovely, sultry look on Than's face.

Mason Dunne

That Beep Boop. CAPI's done something, I can see the flow indicators change! Never knew Than had two ports. And Anabel's warning was definetly foreshadowing!


Oh, snap. Player 11 has entered the game! :P


Uhm. Page 118 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/EkAjQV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/EkAjQV</a> ) or page 135 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/ZCgbxy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/ZCgbxy</a> )… it's very-well established fact that Than have two ports per breast—which makes the whole scheme workable and also incredibly dangerous. Why dangerous? There are obviously some kind of pressure equalizer which could be used to revert flow in one tube and thus convert it into the device which sucks filler from Alexis and moves it into Than… but it also means that it could be easily sabotaged by C.A.P.I. and move stuff into other direction… Perils of modern technology… and nice payback for what happened on page 10 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/K4lXt2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/K4lXt2</a> ): there goons sabotaged Atlas bra (which, as we now realize, was easy for them because Than most likely have access to various “service codes”) and here C.A.P.I. cracks Than's machinery instead… payback's a bitch, isn't it?

Mason Dunne

Oh, I thought at it was just a panel in front of both her breasts with one line to each boob.


I could understand why first frame of page 118 could be perceived so, but what about second and third frames? Where's the cleavage? And why would fourth frame show four moving lines if there are just two ports in total? I noticed that fact right away but then kinda dismissed it: Evelyn initially had one port per breast ( <a href="http://goo.gl/XNSdtV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/XNSdtV</a> ) and later pictures show her with not two but THREE ( <a href="http://goo.gl/Kj5NNE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/Kj5NNE</a> ) thus I just assumed that huge Than's boobs are just better served by two ports… and I'm pretty sure that's in-universe explanation for that phenomenon… but apparently Zdemian have planned this turnaround in battle even back then… well-played…


Noooo, I'm rooting for Than to outgrow EVERYONE.

Clark Nova

Uhhh. Girls? GIRLS? Do you think this has gone a little too far? I mean, at this point, if Than looses balance, she is going to roll over, break out of the building, and start crushing the city until she looses momentum... and knowing Than, she would probably get off on that :/


She would definitely get off on that, which is why company assets are already insured against rolling Thans.


She is definitely in ecstasy over her growth,but I've a feeling that look is not going to last another Chapter!


Totally agree with you. I want Than to keep her tits while Alexis grow twice the speed or something if this is what going to happen or Than grows much faster :)


Oh, Than, you're so hot. But that ominous Beep-Boop and switcheroo in the flow arrows surely spells bad things for her. Love the fact that even her shirt finally seems to be stressing under all that size. I just hope she doesn't wind up completely flat like the dream from LBSC or otherwise have this kill her or permanently take her out of the picture. Even if this is a big set back for her as it seems likely, having some future plot where she has to start back up expanding again could be lots of fun. Her butt is pretty nice too so maybe if she winds up getting deflated here she moves more towards butt expansion in the future? Contrast that with Alexis's boobs, especially if Alexis starts steal Than's size in the next page or two.


As was already discussed completely flat is not really an option: without magick the only was to do that is to lop them off completely or to kill Than which is probably not what'll happen. At least I hope not: I may dislike Than and I DO want to see her brought down a peg or two but I most definitely don't want to see her completely destroyed! As far as villains are going she's not THAT bad and it would be a waste to see her completely gone. I don't think there's anyone who wants her “dead and buried”. Defeated? Sure. Humiliated? Of course. DEAD? Nope, that's just wrong. She's grown TOO accustomed to winning and needs to recall the days where she was chastised by her mother—and this couldn't happen if she's dead! As for her shirt… I dunno. It's really stressed which looks quite unrealistic to me. As was already noted there are only enough filler to make Than's breasts 2x heaviear which means only 26% larger… she'll have trouble zipping the zippers, most likely, but I don't see how such small increase in size could actually rip her clothes with seams undone… could happen if her shirt is made out of really rigid material (like denim), I guess, but this would be a bit strange, really… But then I don't mind that there's a bit anime of physics brought it for visual effects. I mean: if Alexis top could just go and disappear without a trace then a little holes in a shirt are minor issue, right? Clothes here really have mind of their own in this chapter…