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Would love to see the aftermath of this sketch!


Great seeing the unipol goat girl again. Maybe she should make an appearance in LBSM. Great set of sketches again. My faves are the boob girl with toast in her mouth and the Hatwoman.

Mason Dunne

Ditto! Either she becomes a golem girl herself or she basks in the warmth of her creation distending from within. (The golem reminds me of Clayface, from Batman TAS!)

Mason Dunne

I'll take 3 capi charms please!


I just wonder specifically where she will put all that gooey Golem goodness?It's going to show one way or another!


The Hat Family springs into Action!


The Hat Family springs into Action!


Albeit, slowly... [Damn Skype and it's formatting.]


Seventh! More over enthusiastic chubby baker girl. You can't have that many buttons on an outfit if they're not going to eventually pop off.


Sweet. Great job!


Hatthew Hatterson was an ordinary haberdasher until the day he was bitten by a radioactive hat. Now he possesses the equivalent strength of a hat! Hatman is always prepared to fight crime at the drop of a hat. All do-gooders take their hats off to Hatman! ...Uhm, something about a hat trick.


I've been flat out this week and missed my usual 3 sketch suggestions but I gotta say, this week's sketches are all super cute. Really enjoyed the baker and toast girl, and I feel like the baker could be a part of the "what you need" universe. Like everyone else I'd like to see more of her. Unipol Goat girl is just awesome, looking forward to more sexy action in space and thereabouts.