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Hahaha. Cute. This is... the third time she's given birth? Once at the start of her saga, at least, and then the slime, and now these quad cuties.


Congrats Ra, on the newest additions to your inter-species family! Gu sure has a whole bunch of new brothers and sisters to play with.


Ra: *exhausted from Labor*......fill me back up....bigger this time. Like 50 babies, I wanna be huge!


Well this is just down right heartwarming! Happy mama is happy.


She's going to have the biggest family in all the galaxy, if not the universe.


Are they brothers and sisters, though, or something odder? After all, the "father" turned into a woman (or at least grew boobs and a more feminine form) after impregnating Ra due to weird alien reproductive biology. Who's to say how gender works for them.


Yeah, I wouldn't worry. This is a pretty small litter for her.


Heh, quite so. Although, the baby daddy's natural transition along with the little ones' skin colors strongly suggest that their species does operate on a binary gender spectrum not too unlike our own, albeit in a highly different manner.


One last batch of offspring for the king on a spacecraft after she blew his popsicle stand, Gu-En in front of the Jabba-like creature on his planet, and now these young'ns. By her own admission though, she had "been pregnant tons of times" by the time she had Gu. However, this *is* her first hospital birth we've had the pleasure of seeing. :D


This makes so much sense to me! The alien changing sex to assist gestation/child bearing, nice!