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Shorty: Well if I can’t have the figs, can we at least have crazy preggo sex with that new monster you’re dragging around? Dr. J: yes....at home


Is it weird that I'm kind of interested in see what their kid would look like? Just picturing a sequel following their daughter hahaha.


Oh, Shorty. Never passing up an opportunity to grow ever larger, even at the end.


My interest is piqued by the shot in that bottom panel. If I'm understanding right then the Goddess realm and the temple have sort of coalesced. Neat!

Paltala Mort

So have we received any confirmation on whether Dr.J is actually pregnant or just cumflated? Then again, the Figs expending their belly might indicate pregnant.


They're gonna need a bigger jet to get back for sure!


Probably...though personally I thought it was a supersized Gita that was going to burst out


Don't forget a bigger snack bar. Eating for alot more than two

Sasha Hoshikawa

Is this the end of this comic?