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Carmen Miranda Hat. I'd suggest Ghosts but that's an October thing. Super X Treme Skateboard Tricks. Big Sexy-Parts (boobs, butts, lips I guess, balls, etc) getting in the way of everyday life/A Cripple.


A woman with a controller while her female friend in being blown up belly and breasts by Dig Dug. The woman is also remarking at how impressively life-like the graphics are.

The Producer

"Glorious Soviet Working Mothers. Build machines and birth babies? No silly capitalist! Glorious Soviet Working Mothers Womb is factory! For battery, only takes her two month. For computer takes about year, and more womb of course. Only strongest girls can work in tank factory. What? You don't want to birth machines? You can always make synthetic oil and industrial liquids with glorious soviet breasts. Fight for the motherland now!"


The classic wish gone wrong bit of 'Make me a sandwich'.


more classes: Gravidity mage, Gestor (gestate + jester), Boobarian, Expectant Tactician (or, for that matter, a TactTITian), ASSassin, Maternalist


Class Select: Tentalchemist Android with boom-box boobs and a disco light dress. A dog girl begging for belly rubs.


A woman filled her breasts with gelatin, but the cube shape of the gelatin remained the same even after getting injected into her boobs.


A muscular amazonian warrior discovers the local slime monster is more interested in loving than fighting.


What alexis and than wanted to be when she was a child.