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I already like where this is going.


I'm not sure if there's a Dune reference going through this but I'm digging the PR-like show playing on the screen.


"Gambit" is one of my favorite words. And favorite shenanigans.

Mason Dunne

Should have asked for some provisions on pact paper for perks! I wonder what show she is enjoying? And those are among the most fecund breasts I've seen, she's really taking the "can't be bothered" style of maternity body to heart.


This looks good, its nice seeing another pregnancy themed comic, I love the way you draw pregnant woman. Plus that power ranger show looks neat. I'm guessing red is cow, yellow is a cat and pink is a bunnygirl.


I don't know what these people are talking about, Madame Bearer is CLEARLY enjoying the superior quality that is a Super Sentai series. I can tell she has a distinguished palate by her taste in legwear and ink.


Yeah Super sentai is way better, I'm just used to saying power rangers. Its what I grew up with. Anyway, can't wait to see more.


She is absolutely beautiful! Those ovoid lady lumps are truly tantalizing. Love the hair, love the tats and love the attitude. Can't wait for more.


On a comment actually directed towards the image itself, I think one of my favorite understated aspects of Ra-en is the thickness of her thighs as compared to the length/size of her lower legs. Those are NOT the thighs of a woman who has been moving around much under her own power, and I love it.


It's going to be hard to top an opening move of "crown a fetus emperor to maximize your time as effective regent."


Very nice! I'd like to see her standing, wihth


Wow, you've got quite a few series going on here! I guess it's so that when inspiration runs dry on one, you pick up another...