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Theres a special word for it in Hindu. But this sorta reminds me of Shiva as the Guru under the tree.


The biggest "just roll with it" energy on display here. XD


The anticipation is killing me. Can't wait for this conclusion.


I’m getting a strong “Huh. So you summoned me? Good for you.” sarcastic vibe from the Goddess.


I hope the blonde thief get's knocked up too. Finger's crossed!


Me too, no one shall leave before they have been knocked up!


Hindu woman: Oh great Guru, what must I do? Goddess: have you tried being ridiculously pregnant and having cow size breasts? Does wonders for my followers


I like the fact that the surrounding space-time cosmos pattern of the background overlaps with the black parts of the foreground, such as the cultists' hair and Short-Round's stockings. :D

The Producer

Dayum Z. This is transcendent.


Whatever reason they are brought before this goddess, I'm sure it's gonna lead to a lot of ladies being impregnated by the end of it. And has anyone else wonder where Blondie is?


Goddess: Hmm....some of you are off to a good start...but you are all still much too small to properly serve me, I need my followers to have bellies on the ground, so.....line up and I’ll have you all so bloated you’ll need a crane to carry those bellies


The blonde one is the chosen one or the speaker or whatever they call the person picked by this goddess

Richard Handy

Ooooh, I like this design. Fancy yet subtle, peaceful yet energized.


It would be funny if in some other random unrelated story or sketch if someone gets hit in the head with a random pen from seemingly out of nowhere.